Paid Support Required

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Jul 2, 2015

I have three v8.3 FreeNAS systems, all built on Supermicro Servers, all with 18 x 2TB drives.
None of these units were set up correctly, and basic were offering my client no protection at all. Over the past year all three systems have failed. In all cases the hardware appears to be working and functioning correctly (one of the systems has a drive or two out). In most cases it looks like there has been corruption on the USB boot sticks, and have lost or corrupted configs. As we haven't written to the drives since they went wobbly I am 99% the data is safe - just cant get to it.

What I don't have is the time to sit, study, and understand Linux/FreeNAS under the bonnet to fix these issues. My primary role in the company is not IT, although as with most things 'staff' don't understand the difference between a broadcast engineer and an IT engineer... So I get all the crap anyway.

So I am looking to pay somebody to preserve existing data, upgrade to latest release, and configure striping, setting up scrubbing, backups etc. You may need to site visit us in Milton Keynes, UK, but remote access can be arranged (they will just about boot, and get network access). There is an on-site engineer available 24x7 for resets, usb swaps, etc. etc. so if your one of those night owls its not a problem (I am as well).

Preserving the clients original data (mainly large video files) is the most important first stage. I have a about 20TB of unused storage on-site for creating backup's or copies of data if required in the rebuild process.

Anybody Interested - drop me an e-mail keith (at) miltonkeynesstudios (dot) com. (hopefully that will beat the spam harvesters).

Milton Keynes Studios Ltd


FreeNAS Enthusiast
Oct 6, 2013
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