SOLVED No permissions, options won't persist

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Feb 19, 2016
I've had a SFTP server running and it was running all fine. Up until I tried to create a webdav and now I'm out of permissions all of a sudden.

Both SFTP and CIFS give me read-only permissions. I can't create, delete or move anything. Whenever I go the users are check all boxes behind "write" it doesn't persist and it just turns it back unchecked. I can now no longer upload anything on both SFTP and CIFS.

webdav doesn't work at all, but that's for a different time. I already turned the webdav service "off". Any ideas? I'm sorry for the lack of information, but I don't know what information is needed. I'm fairly new to FreeNAS.

PS: I did notice my write/group permissions go from unchecked to checked when I change homedirectory from /nonexistent to /mnt/storage


Yeah, turning on webdav changes the permissions to the webdav user. One of the reasons why you don't point multiple share types to the same dataset.

Depending upon the amount of data, it may be easier to create a new CIFS share and copy the data to it. Or, you may be able to fix the current state of permissions from a Windows client...
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