No access from LAN with TrueNAS Core beta


Jul 13, 2020
While waiting for the last parts for my physical build to arrive I'm trying to learns things so use VMware workstation to run VMs.
When I install FreeNAS 11.3 (latest) I immediately can see the machine in network and can access it and any shares.
When using the exact same settings in the TrueNAS Core 12 beta I can not access the machine or any shares, in the windows explorer it just grinds for ages and ultimately end up in a failure.
I've selected the same options everywhere, the only difference in the VM machine isI set the FreeNAS install to a FreeBSD 11 64 bit environment and TrueNAS to a FreeBSD 12 environment.
I'd really like to figure out what I'm doing wrong (before the physical build) since it works in one version but not the other.