New to SSH keys

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Jan 6, 2013
Hello all,
I've finally figured out how to ssh into my NAS. I'mgetting really tired of putting my password in all the time so I figured how hard can keys be? For me pretty hard.
I followed this guide
and checked it against this one

I failed.
heres what I do know:
My key is in a text document named authorized_keys in ~/.ssh on my NAS
I have pasted the private key into the proper box in ssh settings in the web gui.

what I don't know is:

where are my copies supposed to be on my client machine running linux mint?
I have a .ssh folder in my home directory and a ssh folder in my root directory.
Was I supposed to copy the part of the private key that contains
Proc-Type: xx,ENCRYPTED
DEK-Info: ***-***-***,*********************XX

AND -------------------------------end Private key----------------------

into the Host Private key box?

also when I copied from my public key to the authorized_keys file, was I supposed to copy everything or omit the "ssh-dss" on the first line?

I appreciate your help be cause Google has let me down and I can't seem to find anything here either.


Jul 1, 2011
Do a google search for "hak5 ssh keys", they have a few videos on setting up keys for beginners. Depending on the version of ssh, you may need to put your key(s) in authorized_keys2 in the .ssh directory.

I'm not sure, but this might be the first video in the series:


Jan 6, 2013
Ok so I've watched episodes 1108 through 1120 on Hak5 umpteen times. I took notes and got the keys generated and where they need to be.
I have pasted the public key in the public key box for my user. it starts with "ssh-rsa " and ends with my user@ my clientmachines name. Is this right?
On the server in .ssh I have the public key in the authorized_keys. It also begins and ends as stated above. again is this right?

On my client machine in .ssh I have my private key the .pub key and Known_hosts. Known_hosts has quite the string of data in one line.
I believe it is a hashed version of User@ host.domain then it says= ssh-rsa and the string of data/the key and nothing after that.

When I tried to ssh into the nas I got the fingerprint and checked it as good and it was permantly added to the known_hosts file.

Now when I try to ssh in I am always asked for my password. What did I do Wrong?

Thanks to all who look and even more so to those who help. +1


Apr 22, 2012
Now when I try to ssh in I am always asked for my password. What did I do Wrong?
You can use both SSH keys and password authentication.


Jan 6, 2013
@ paleoN I know but I want/need to get thr keys working. I ditched Windoze because well you probably know and now I want to learn as much as possible about linux. So, keys.
Also, it is a nas and I am constantly moving large files around. I have found that If I ssh in and use the cli to move stuff it goes much much faster than if I mount the share and cut and paste. The second method is so slow I get a picture in my head of the file leaving the nas coming to the client machine then going back to the nas on another hard drive. It's crazy slow.

I just want to ssh in and not have to give a password on my own network.


Jan 6, 2013
Ok from LQ here's a response that kinda worked for me.

###### DIRECTIONS FOR CREATING RSA KEY################

	Directions for creating the rsa key and making the two
 servers talk to each other without password.

	1st change directory into .ssh and check what files are there.

 		[rx30@rx30 ~]$ cd .ssh
		[rx30@rx30 .ssh]$ ls -l
		total 4
		-rw-r--r-- 1 rx30 group 2980 Jun 13 12:02 known_hosts

	2nd create the rsa key.

		[rx30@rx30 .ssh]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
		Generating public/private rsa key pair.
		Enter file in which to save the key (/usr/rx30/.ssh/id_rsa):
		Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
		Enter same passphrase again:
		Your identification has been saved in /usr/rx30/.ssh/id_rsa.
		Your public key has been saved in /usr/rx30/.ssh/
		The key fingerprint is:
		cb:b0:40:c6:e9:f4:9e:f5:71:fc:c3:00:c0:f7:c6:75 rx30@rx30.localdomain

	3rd check that there are two new files with the following permissions

		[rx30@rx30 .ssh]$ ls -l
		total 12
		-rw------- 1 rx30 group 3243 Jun 22 15:50 id_rsa
		-rw-r--r-- 1 rx30 group  743 Jun 22 15:50
		-rw-r--r-- 1 rx30 group 2980 Jun 13 12:02 known_hosts
	4th change directory back to the users $HOME

		[rx30@rx30 .ssh]$ cd

	5th copy the key to the remote server

		[rx30@rx30 ~]$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ rx30@***.***.***.***
		rx30@***.***.***.***'s password:
		Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh 'rx30@***.***.***.***'", and check in:


		to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting.

	6th, follow directions on the screen.

		[rx30@rx30 ~]$ ssh rx30@***.***.***.***
		Last login: Fri Jun 22 14:12:08 2012 from
		[rx30@rx30 ~]$ exit
		Connection to ***.***.***.*** closed.


at 1 point towards the end (step 5) Ubuntu asked for the key password I assigned when generating it. This is when I set up key pairs on my htpc. It worked flawlessly.

On Freenas8 I am never asked for the password for the key. I have 2 ????'s.

1. My user, do I paste the public key I generated in the SSH Public Key Box? I did but it didn't seem to help.
2. Under services/SSH/Settings there's a "Host private Key" box. Do I need to put anything in there?
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