New FreeNAS enthusiast

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Jul 19, 2018
Chris Moore, Joeinaz,

And any others that replied with help, no matter how small. I just wanted to post back and say thanks for the help.

I am now up and running with FreeNAS, and it suddenly seems exactly as I expected it to always be. Fast, responsive and just works.

Exactly what got me here, I do not know. That’s the most frustrating bit. I tried so many things, but suddenly it mysteriously just started working. I will try to debug further, but I’m scared I’ll end up back where I was for 2 solid weeks and probably an active 30 hours of debug ago! Ha!

Anyway, I just wanted to post to say, yippee, it’s working. And thanks for all the fish....

I get my SATA cables this afternoon, so I can finally start the final config, but I’ve already had jails, Plex, SMB, AFP and timemachine working. So I’d say that’s pretty good going so far. Now I want a managed switch to enable GigE teaming to increase my bandwidth. I get a solid 112MB/s read and write currently, but IOZone has shown me just how much performance is bottlenecked by my single GigE connection... <giant grin>

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