Move virtualised disk location & start times of virtual machine


Mar 2, 2020
Hi all
I have been using freenas for about a week and my knowledge is gradually improving.
I recently purchased anothe SSD for 2 x 240GB to ZIL/L2arc but is seems it will not be much use to me.

Instead I have created a mirrored pool to place disks of virtualised machines.

Firstly how do I change the location of the virtual disk. I want to put it into differnet another pool?
I will be running two virtual machines.
The first Ubuntu Server to do the things that freenas cannot with plugins. That will started a boot and left running.

The second will be windows 10. For me it will update my games ovegrnight through a lancache on the ubuntu server machine.

I want to start it at a specific time and close it down also a bit later. Possibly 3am startup to 7am closedown to update games & also windows updates.
There is apparently only the option to start at boot. Windows 10 is a resource hog so only want it on at such times.
It is possibe to ask the machine to sleep out of these times but I want the resources free during daytime.

Useful info appreciated.