Local Replication errors


Mar 13, 2013
Hi There,

I followed the fine guide here.
I searched and found very similar and openend a new ticket.

At first yesterday I tried to replicate a bunch of datasets and 2 volumes in total a 6TB on actual data.
When I hit the button Start Replication the please wait appeared and stayed there. After a mere 60minutes I changed to view Dashboard and I only had the left Menu choice visible. So I Thought the system was unresponsive. SMB shares where still accessible on the windows machines however.

I didn't reboot until 2 hours later or so I thought because even that command had to wait until the morning.

Today I tried 3 datasets at a time and I noticed 2 of them where actually copied/Replicated over.
The third however is a iscsi volume called QPraktijk.

A strange error appeared Source 'QData/QPraktijk' is a volume, but target 'QNonMedia-Backup' already exists and is a filesystem.​

Adding a new single dataset Replication Task gave following error.

Replication "QData/QGame - QNonMedia-Backup" failed: Target dataset 'QNonMedia-Backup' does not have snapshots but has data (e.g. 'QDocumenten' and replication from scratch is not allowed. Refusing to overwrite existing data..​

I also notice that Replication settings changed with different versions. I know one has to be careful with info regarding older versions.
So my question is can somebody help me to better understand and execute Local Replication tasks for the 12.0-U7.

It seems to me that save guarding data on another platform is mandatory and therefore replication is a important part of TrueNAS

Kind Regards
Guy Forssman


  • pools.JPG
    145.7 KB · Views: 152
  • TrueNAS-Replicationtasks.JPG
    96.7 KB · Views: 158
  • TrueNAS-snapshots.JPG
    93.2 KB · Views: 165


Mar 13, 2013
I found a way to circumvent most errors and get the replication done.

If one has a large drive let's say 8T and after a initial try only a single or maybe more replication jobs succeeded.

One can check dat no dataset exist for a volume on the receiving pool. I have 2 volumes on the sending pool and I accidently created a a dataset with the same name on the receiving pool.
Delete the dataset with the same name as the volume on the sending pool.
This helped me with the first error though I still had to manually create a snapshot.

For the second error I found that:
One can manually create the dataset on the receiving end.

More over zfs replication can be found here

All in all doing replication task is a option that can have some tweaking on the part of TrueNAS.
  • It seems that a capable system can brought to it's knees when launching 3 Replication tasks. The webpage becomes unresponsive and only the left menu is shown.
  • Launching 1 replication task where no snapshots existed and the receiving 8T disk had just a pool. Made the system unresponsive for more than a day. Granted the sending pool has 10 datasets and 2 volumes.
How does one backup or replicate the iocage dataset is not yet clear to me.

Kind regards and stay safe in these difficult times
Guy Forssman