FreeNAS as NFS Client


Apr 17, 2018
I have a CentOS 7 linux box running as an NFS server. I exported a USB drive formatted with ext3 so my FreeNAS box can mount it. Here is the exports file on my CentOS Linux box

/mnt/backup fqdn.example.local(rw,no_root_squash,sync)

The hostname is the fqdn of my FreeNAS box

I log in to my freenas box via SSH, sudo to root and mount the nfs mount

mount centos7.example.local:/mnt/backup /mnt/usb0

Its fine, it mounts I am able to run a zfs send command to it
zfs send zraid/mydata@auto-20200302.0137-2w > /mnt/usb0/zraid/20200302.0137-2w.zfs

Couple hours later I log in to umount it, I wait 10 minutes and its still does not unmount. I ended up rebooting my freenas box (I had some updates).
  • Although the USB drive could have gone to sleep, I was able to look around it fine from the Linux box. The zfs "dumps" I sent are still there.
  • I do have proper DNS forward and reverse (A records and PTR records)
  • I tried to run sync and it too hung up.
  • During the reboot for the updates, it was frozen, stuck on what looked like a stale NFS mount.
  • After a hard power off, I tried mounting and immediately unmounting.
So was this a foolish idea? If so what was foolish about it, was it going to an NFS mount from command line?, going to a USB? Should my exports file been async vs sync? Also what is the default mount type, is it a softmount or a hard mount for freenas? I would like to zfs send my data to the linux box and as a backup.

Larry A