Feedback: compliments on the manual :-)

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Dec 13, 2014
G'day :p

I wanted to drop a quick feedback: the manual is very, very, good, obviously some talented people have worked on it. It is among the best I've ever seen in these kinds of project. I thought it so good that I actually printed the whole 280 pages PDF to carefully read it before I jump in to ask my noob questions.

So: chapeau to the writers, I salute you :)


Dec 13, 2014
Follow up :p

By now I have read the complete guide. I could recommend:
  1. The 'Permissions Guide' I recall 'Dru posted somewhere on the forum some time back to be coming soon. Especially since permissions are not that clear. There's 5 places to configure these when you want to do something, and then we're not even discussing permissions on jails (example: a CIFS share and Transmission in a jail: I want to restrict access on the LAN to the share where Transmission saves it stuff: complete mystery to me how to do that).
  2. A way more extensive elaboration on the different RAIDZ-options, especially when using different size disks. For example:
    1. I was (and am) torturing my mind about, when using different size disks, it there isn't a way to use the unused disk space for a second pool/vdev/volume.
    2. I also don't have a clue if it, for example, is possible to mirror two RAIDZ-volumes to eachother.
        1. Now I know the answer to this can be 'read the original ZFS manuals and figure it out yourself', but from a marketing perspective it makes sense to write it in the FreeNAS manual to help the customers falling in love with you and wanting nobody else but you :D
  3. Perhaps, and I know that is quite some job: write it not from a technical point of view (discussing the different menu options), but from a workflow point of view: IF you want to achieve this, THEN these are the steps in the workflow. Note: this does by no means mean throw away the current guide; it means adding chapters 'workflows' to it.

Note-II: I'm a noob now, but rest assured if I know more I am more than willing to contribute to writing guides, they even said somewhere I am good at it :)
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