FAQ - Mounting NTFS Drive to Copy Files From

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Feb 19, 2013
There is a question in the FAQ that addresses mounting an NTFS drive to copy files from but unfortunately the answer isn't particularly relevant to the question.

How do I mount my internal/external NTFS disk so I can copy my files to FreeNAS?
NTFS in FreeNAS™ is only intended to be used to copy files to your NAS, not for exporting/sharing files. NTFS support in FreeBSD is not very reliable.

I'm still not sure of the best way to do this, but in the end I figured out the drive name that I wanted to copy my files from (looked at 'View Disks' in the GUI before/after adding the drive) and then did:

mkdir /mnt/ntfs
ntfs-3g /dev/ada1s1 /mnt/ntfs
mkdir /mnt/volume/ntfs
cp -r -v /mnt/ntfs /mnt/volume/ntfs
umount /mnt/ntfs
rmdir /mnt/ntfs

Perhaps this question in the FAQ could be updated to help n00bs like me in the future.

Just a suggestion.



Jul 1, 2011
Yes Mitch, you're absolutely right. So this is the post that explains the story of the FAQ so maybe SOME admin(s) will get the hint...

2+ years ago I added a whole bunch of question to the Wiki FAQ and over half of them were deleted by the maintainer without any explanation.

I said fine, I'll create a thread and maintain MY version there, and while I'm at it get it translated to other languages for people. Then we had one of our half way done forum upgrades that broke the editing and I couldn't update it.

So I said "fuck it" and created a blog and really spent some time updating it etc.

Then, this past fall I discovered it had been copied from my FAQ without a word being said to be until AFTER it was copied, and then it was "would you mind keeping the FAQ updated"....

Wait, it gets better.... NOW I don't even have the privileges to edit it!!

So, YOU, one of the few who actually made the effort to read it are the victim of yet another brilliant fuck up from our nice, bright and shiny admins who can't get their shit together for the people that are trying to help them....

So I've removed all of my tutorials and the FAQ I had on my blog as a protest that seems to have had no effect but to piss off the 20,000+ visitors per month that came to read it as well as me.... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


Aug 15, 2013
Thank you very much for the advice above. This worked for me - enabling me to mount my NTFS drives and copy over to my new ZFS datasets. Just to add, I had a FUSE error when attempting the NTFS mount which I was able to over come by running the 'kidload fuse' command prior to performing the mount.


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