ESXi cannot see iSCSI share

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Sep 11, 2013
Let me premise my questions/requests by letting you know this is not a production environment, but merely a lab for testing and training. I'm trying to determine if the problem lies with FreeNas or ESXi.

I had a single ESXi 5.1 host with two nested vEsxi host in a cluster. Two FreeNas 8.3 shared iSCSI storage VMs where the datastores reside.

The problem started after I built a new physical host to mimic the existing one.

After migrating the content of the old datastore to the new one, the new ESXi host cannot see the data on the FreeNas iSCSI NFS share. (See screenshot attachment)

The one post on this forum that closely resembles my problem is this one:
FlynnVT, with wicked knowledge of both FreeNas and ESXi, figured out what this issue was.

I've done quite a bit troubleshooting steps on the ESXi side of things, but limited in my FreeNas skills.

Below are some results on the FreeNas side, but I can't determine if anything's wrong ... or am I missing something?

FlynnVT, your wisdom in this would be greatly appreciated ... if you're still around. (not to discourage anyone else from taking a crack at it:))

zpool status
pool: Storage01
state: ONLINE
  scan: scrub repaired 0 in 0h18m with 0 errors on Tue Sep 10 17:33:19 2013
        NAME                                          STATE    READ WRITE CKSUM
        Storage01                                    ONLINE      0    0    0
          gptid/b64b36a5-1739-11e3-b6c9-005056b570a6  ONLINE      0    0    0
errors: No known data errors
[root@NAS-01] ~# zpool status
  pool: Storage01
state: ONLINE
  scan: scrub repaired 0 in 0h18m with 0 errors on Tue Sep 10 17:33:19 2013
        NAME                                          STATE    READ WRITE CKSUM
        Storage01                                    ONLINE      0    0    0
          gptid/b64b36a5-1739-11e3-b6c9-005056b570a6  ONLINE      0    0    0
errors: No known data errors

zpool import (nothing happens)
[root@NAS-01] ~# zpool import
[root@NAS-01] ~#

gpart status
[root@NAS-01] ~# gpart status
  Name  Status  Components
da0s1      OK  da0
da0s2      OK  da0
da0s3      OK  da0
da0s4      OK  da0
da0s1a      OK  da0s1
da1p1      OK  da1
da1p2      OK  da1

gpart list
Geom name: da0
modified: false
state: OK
fwheads: 255
fwsectors: 63
last: 20971519
first: 63
entries: 4
scheme: MBR
1. Name: da0s1
  Mediasize: 988291584 (942M)
  Sectorsize: 512
  Stripesize: 0
  Stripeoffset: 32256
  Mode: r1w0e1
  attrib: active
  rawtype: 165
  length: 988291584
  offset: 32256
  type: freebsd
  index: 1
  end: 1930319
  start: 63
2. Name: da0s2
  Mediasize: 988291584 (942M)
  Sectorsize: 512
  Stripesize: 0
  Stripeoffset: 988356096
  Mode: r0w0e0
  rawtype: 165
  length: 988291584
  offset: 988356096
  type: freebsd
  index: 2
  end: 3860639
  start: 1930383
3. Name: da0s3
  Mediasize: 1548288 (1.5M)
  Sectorsize: 512
  Stripesize: 0
  Stripeoffset: 1976647680
  Mode: r0w0e0
  rawtype: 165
  length: 1548288
  offset: 1976647680
  type: freebsd
  index: 3
  end: 3863663
  start: 3860640
4. Name: da0s4
  Mediasize: 21159936 (20M)
  Sectorsize: 512
  Stripesize: 0
  Stripeoffset: 1978195968
  Mode: r1w1e2
  rawtype: 165
  length: 21159936
  offset: 1978195968
  type: freebsd
  index: 4
  end: 3904991
  start: 3863664
1. Name: da0
  Mediasize: 10737418240 (10G)
  Sectorsize: 512
  Mode: r2w1e4
Geom name: da0s1
modified: false
state: OK
fwheads: 255
fwsectors: 63
last: 1930256
first: 0
entries: 8
scheme: BSD
1. Name: da0s1a
  Mediasize: 988283392 (942M)
  Sectorsize: 512
  Stripesize: 0
  Stripeoffset: 40448
  Mode: r1w0e1
  rawtype: 0
  length: 988283392
  offset: 8192
  type: !0
  index: 1
  end: 1930256
  start: 16
1. Name: da0s1
  Mediasize: 988291584 (942M)
  Sectorsize: 512
  Stripesize: 0
  Stripeoffset: 32256
  Mode: r1w0e1
Geom name: da1
modified: false
state: OK
fwheads: 255
fwsectors: 63
last: 286611806
first: 34
entries: 128
scheme: GPT
1. Name: da1p1
  Mediasize: 2147483648 (2.0G)
  Sectorsize: 512
  Stripesize: 0
  Stripeoffset: 65536
  Mode: r1w1e1
  rawuuid: b6464e79-1739-11e3-b6c9-005056b570a6
  rawtype: 516e7cb5-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b
  label: (null)
  length: 2147483648
  offset: 65536
  type: freebsd-swap
  index: 1
  end: 4194431
  start: 128
2. Name: da1p2
  Mediasize: 144597696000 (134G)
  Sectorsize: 512
  Stripesize: 0
  Stripeoffset: 2147549184
  Mode: r1w1e2
  rawuuid: b64b36a5-1739-11e3-b6c9-005056b570a6
  rawtype: 516e7cba-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b
  label: (null)
  length: 144597696000
  offset: 2147549184
  type: freebsd-zfs
  index: 2
  end: 286611806
  start: 4194432
1. Name: da1
  Mediasize: 146745262080 (136G)
  Sectorsize: 512
  Mode: r2w2e5


  • Empty datastore.jpg
    Empty datastore.jpg
    228.3 KB · Views: 210
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