esxi 5.1 will not see a second iscsi device

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Jason Brooks

Jul 16, 2013

I am relatively new to iscsi, esxi, and freenas. I hope I don't form the perfect dumb-!#@ trifecta with that... :)

I successfully created a 1 terabyte zvol in freenas 8.3.1, and subsequently followed the instructions to create an iscsi target for it. I have even managed to mount it on a vmware esxi 5.1 system, and use it in a virtual windows machine.

I quickly ran out of room, and need to either a) increase the size of the zvol/extent/target or b) create another zvol and export it for use.

Since there doesn't seem to be an option for a), I tried b). Here is the trouble: once I created the target/extent association, vmware sees two separate paths whose lun is the same. Vmware apparentlly does not see the separate extent as a separate device.

I am not sure what I need to do, so here is a summary:

1) the device extents are differently named, and each point to separate zvols.
2) the target names are different, and I made certain the serials are different also.
3) They use the same authorizations, initiators, and portals.

I am actually in the process of moving virtual machines around, hence the sudden need for large storage space.

I appreciate any input you guys can give me...


Jason Brooks

Jul 16, 2013
So, in thinking about this further, it looks like esxi thinks the second device is simply a second path spec for the same device. Wait: I just learned that the iscsi chapter has a "growing the lun" section. So I will do that too, though my previous question still stands as an exercise in learning...

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