Can't start Nextcloud plugin after ISP change


Oct 8, 2020
Hello everyone!

I have tried to search the forum first for an answer but I couldn't find something to get me out of this issue.

I am both a noob and desperate as I am unexperienced at this and stand to loose a loooot of data if I can't make it work again :(((

So, please, I'm begging you, if anyone is so kind and has the time on their hands to... help me crawl towards the light I will be most.... extremely grateful!

Thank you!

The info I can provide now is:
- click on start plugin - nothing happens
- click on jail start: Error: no interface found
- the mount point somehow disappeared, I created a new one following same YouTube tutorial but for the love of me didn't initially write down the steps I took and now it seems some paths or directory are different or missing

Please help me!


Oct 8, 2020
After some manipulations I noticed there was no dataset for the jail; I have created one, to the best of my ability and somehow now the plugin appears as running, but still I can't access my files nor the admin page. I have an error on the plugin stating: "
IPv4 Address:
DHCP - Network Issue: Command '['jexec', 'ioc-cloud', 'ifconfig', 'epair0b', 'inet']' returned non-zero exit status 1.