Cannot start sonarr plugin via webUI

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Sep 10, 2016

I'm at a loss as to what the problem could be. I was on 11.1 U5 and my motherboard was recently replaced but freenas and all jails were running fine after the hardware replacement and making sure network configurations are correct. The issue started with sickrage where it had a bad update and I tried to restart the jail but it never returned and I was not able to connect to the sickrage URL. So I deleted the plugin and have been trying to get sickrage or sonarr installed. Both behave the same way in that the jail gets created, I turned off VIMAGE and set a default gateway and a static IP outside the DHCP range from my router. Save. Restart jail. Mount the storage to the jail. Finally, to start the service from the plugin tab in the webUI, but I am not able to start the plugin service at all. Nothing seems to happen but sometimes I get an error that "Some error has occurred".

I have been deleting the plugin and trying to recreate it several times to no change. I've also updated to freenas 11.1 U6 and still the same. All my other jails are working fine. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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