Backup to Secondary Drive

Bruce Wilfong

Mar 25, 2016

I currently using FreeNas 11.3. One pool named "tank" with two devs. Raid-Z3 on both pools. In total there is approximately 10TB of storage available to me, which only 5TB at this time is being used.

I was to have another pool, call it "Backup" of a single 10TB drive to backup my main pool. Aside from copying it using command line every day, I want find out what was the best process to go about this.

I tried this link:
however, when I run it through CRON it doesnt seem to work. If I use rsync -zvr /mnt/tank /mnt/Backup --delete-after at the command line I get a message "Building list....." which never completes.

Also tried this:
I get hung up at: Go to step "zpool import Backup", get a message about already have an import named backup, and cant get past it. Also not sure what to put here for {MY_USER_NAME}, on the step: Start backup: tmux cd ~${MY_USER_NAME}/bin

Not sure if I am doing something wrong, or this is a 11.3 issue. Do anyone have a similar setup they can share.

Oct 18, 2018
I was to have another pool, call it "Backup" of a single 10TB drive to backup my main pool. Aside from copying it using command line every day, I want find out what was the best process to go about this.
Have you looked into automatic snapshots and zfs replication? I use that for backups and find it quite successful. I avoid external hard drives by using hot-swap bays. What I like about this is that the snapshots and replication are automatic.