All the free space vanished in an hour


Aug 30, 2023
Today morning one of the pools reached 100% in roughly an hour:
Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 2.52.46 PM.png

During this period, 2 users were using a different pool, they have no access to this one, and it doesn't get much use, only a VM and a few containers. There's no reason why this happened, yet, smb became inaccassible. I can't seem to find what caused this, as none of the commands tell me where this 1.3TB is being used, already checked for snapshots, wiped all the containers, moved stuff temporarily, but nothing really helped. I managed to free up some space to get smb working, but I don't know what to do if this happens again. Anyone has an idea?
zfs list -r SSD -t all
NAME                                                           USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
SSD                                                           1.52T   239G     1.41T  /mnt/SSD
SSD/.system                                                   2.30G   239G     2.12G  legacy
SSD/.system/configs-03127bf8be404c849cf141a05d5f9b13          52.0M   239G     52.0M  legacy
SSD/.system/cores                                              300K  1024M      300K  legacy
SSD/.system/ctdb_shared_vol                                     96K   239G       96K  legacy
SSD/.system/glusterd                                            96K   239G       96K  legacy
SSD/.system/rrd-03127bf8be404c849cf141a05d5f9b13              82.4M   239G     82.4M  legacy
SSD/.system/samba4                                            6.34M   239G      772K  legacy
SSD/.system/samba4@update--2022-02-10-12-49--12.0-U5.1         168K      -      508K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1644497790                              168K      -      508K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1644840524                              340K      -      516K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1648719127                              428K      -      556K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1652698096                              244K      -      540K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1652700008                              232K      -      540K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1652703977                              216K      -      540K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1653312199                              216K      -      540K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1653313603                              216K      -      540K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1653590670                              248K      -      540K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1653768564                              256K      -      548K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1657276404                              224K      -      556K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1657289419                              224K      -      556K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1673785991                              216K      -      556K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@update--2023-01-15-13-27--SCALE-22.02.1     184K      -      560K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@wbc-1673789450                              176K      -      556K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@update--2023-02-02-20-30--SCALE-22.02.4     372K      -      580K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@update--2023-07-18-06-39--SCALE-22.12.0     356K      -      620K  -
SSD/.system/samba4@update--2023-08-02-18-44--SCALE-   396K      -      660K  -
SSD/.system/services                                            96K   239G       96K  legacy
SSD/.system/syslog-03127bf8be404c849cf141a05d5f9b13           45.0M   239G     45.0M  legacy
SSD/.system/webui                                               96K   239G       96K  legacy
SSD/SSDDataset                                                38.7G   239G     38.7G  /mnt/SSD/SSDDataset
SSD/iocage                                                    1.86G   239G     12.0M  /mnt/SSD/iocage
SSD/iocage/download                                            402M   239G       96K  /mnt/SSD/iocage/download
SSD/iocage/download/12.2-RELEASE                               402M   239G      402M  /mnt/SSD/iocage/download/12.2-RELEASE
SSD/iocage/images                                               96K   239G       96K  /mnt/SSD/iocage/images
SSD/iocage/jails                                                96K   239G       96K  /mnt/SSD/iocage/jails
SSD/iocage/log                                                  96K   239G       96K  /mnt/SSD/iocage/log
SSD/iocage/releases                                           1.45G   239G       96K  /mnt/SSD/iocage/releases
SSD/iocage/releases/12.2-RELEASE                              1.45G   239G       96K  /mnt/SSD/iocage/releases/12.2-RELEASE
SSD/iocage/releases/12.2-RELEASE/root                         1.45G   239G     1.45G  /mnt/SSD/iocage/releases/12.2-RELEASE/root
SSD/iocage/templates                                            96K   239G       96K  /mnt/SSD/iocage/templates
SSD/ix-applications                                            464M   239G      172K  /mnt/SSD/ix-applications
SSD/ix-applications/catalogs                                  42.7M   239G     42.7M  /mnt/SSD/ix-applications/catalogs
SSD/ix-applications/default_volumes                             96K   239G       96K  /mnt/SSD/ix-applications/default_volumes
SSD/ix-applications/docker                                     289M   239G      289M  /mnt/SSD/ix-applications/docker
SSD/ix-applications/k3s                                        132M   239G      132M  /mnt/SSD/ix-applications/k3s
SSD/ix-applications/k3s/kubelet                                280K   239G      280K  legacy
SSD/ix-applications/releases                                    96K   239G       96K  /mnt/SSD/ix-applications/releases
SSD/virtual-machines                                          72.4G   239G     6.40G  /mnt/SSD/virtual-machines
SSD/virtual-machines/perforcew10-izjhsr                       66.0G   272G     33.5G  -

zfs get all SSD                                         
NAME  PROPERTY                VALUE                   SOURCE
SSD   type                    filesystem              -
SSD   creation                Wed Feb 10 12:03 2021   -
SSD   used                    1.52T                   -
SSD   available               239G                    -
SSD   referenced              1.41T                   -
SSD   compressratio           1.00x                   -
SSD   mounted                 yes                     -
SSD   quota                   none                    default
SSD   reservation             none                    default
SSD   recordsize              128K                    default
SSD   mountpoint              /mnt/SSD                default
SSD   sharenfs                off                     default
SSD   checksum                on                      default
SSD   compression             lz4                     local
SSD   atime                   on                      default
SSD   devices                 on                      default
SSD   exec                    on                      default
SSD   setuid                  on                      default
SSD   readonly                off                     default
SSD   zoned                   off                     default
SSD   snapdir                 hidden                  default
SSD   aclmode                 passthrough             local
SSD   aclinherit              passthrough             local
SSD   createtxg               1                       -
SSD   canmount                on                      default
SSD   xattr                   on                      default
SSD   copies                  1                       default
SSD   version                 5                       -
SSD   utf8only                off                     -
SSD   normalization           none                    -
SSD   casesensitivity         sensitive               -
SSD   vscan                   off                     default
SSD   nbmand                  off                     default
SSD   sharesmb                off                     default
SSD   refquota                none                    default
SSD   refreservation          none                    default
SSD   guid                    18199034206595265360    -
SSD   primarycache            all                     default
SSD   secondarycache          all                     default
SSD   usedbysnapshots         0B                      -
SSD   usedbydataset           1.41T                   -
SSD   usedbychildren          116G                    -
SSD   usedbyrefreservation    0B                      -
SSD   logbias                 latency                 default
SSD   objsetid                54                      -
SSD   dedup                   off                     default
SSD   mlslabel                none                    default
SSD   sync                    standard                default
SSD   dnodesize               legacy                  default
SSD   refcompressratio        1.00x                   -
SSD   written                 1.41T                   -
SSD   logicalused             1.50T                   -
SSD   logicalreferenced       1.41T                   -
SSD   volmode                 default                 default
SSD   filesystem_limit        none                    default
SSD   snapshot_limit          none                    default
SSD   filesystem_count        none                    default
SSD   snapshot_count          none                    default
SSD   snapdev                 hidden                  default
SSD   acltype                 nfsv4                   default
SSD   context                 none                    default
SSD   fscontext               none                    default
SSD   defcontext              none                    default
SSD   rootcontext             none                    default
SSD   relatime                off                     default
SSD   redundant_metadata      all                     default
SSD   overlay                 on                      default
SSD   encryption              off                     default
SSD   keylocation             none                    default
SSD   keyformat               none                    default
SSD   pbkdf2iters             0                       default
SSD   special_small_blocks    0                       default
SSD   org.freebsd.ioc:active  yes                     local


Aug 30, 2023
It was a log file which I somehow didn't notice...
Post can be deleted, as there's nothing valuable.


Aug 30, 2023
It's not part of TrueNAS, one of the containers went nuts, but I don't understand how it got there as it shouldn't be able to access this pool.
Oct 22, 2019
Post can be deleted, as there's nothing valuable.
Whoao, whoa, whoa, whoa! :oops: Slow down there! A 1.3 TiB... log file? That's definitely something of interest. You have to share more about this. And how did a log file not compress efficiently? Unless 1.3 TiB is after compression?


actually does care
Feb 6, 2014
It's not part of TrueNAS, one of the containers went nuts, but I don't understand how it got there as it shouldn't be able to access this pool.
Odd indeed - the zfs list didn't show anything in a nested dataset eg: ix-applications.

What container was it that decided hahahaha logfile go brrrrrr and does it have any host-path mounts to the pool?
Oct 22, 2019
Odd indeed - the zfs list didn't show anything in a nested dataset eg: ix-applications.
It looks like something was written directly to the root dataset itself, unless I'm reading the output incorrectly?

Did you create a share (SMB, NFS) for /mnt/SSD by any chance? Did you give any App (or user) access to /mnt/SSD?


Aug 30, 2023
There was a log::trace on a memory mapped file, which looped over a directory... and I may have left RUST_LOG set to trace accidentally. Combining this wonderful line of code with a constantly beeping phone, then checking write access for the wrong dataset, you get a surprise. I don't know how I missed this the last 100 times I ran du.


actually does care
Feb 6, 2014
There was a log::trace on a memory mapped file, which looped over a directory... and I may have left RUST_LOG set to trace accidentally. Combining this wonderful line of code with a constantly beeping phone, then checking write access for the wrong dataset, you get a surprise. I don't know how I missed this the last 100 times I ran du.
Glad that you found the root cause and addressed it; a 100% full ZFS filesystem can be extremely challenging to recover from.