
  1. J

    Mount windows share on freenas

    Hi there. I have several problems to mount a windows share on freenas. In the moment i do all as root, which is maybe not the best but for testing ok.. I created a directory /mnt/Server03VM First problem is that after a reboot this directory is gone. mount_smbfs -I
  2. Janus Ng

    Run mount_smbfs by a non root user

    Background: I want to mount a SMB share and use it inside a jail. I have tried various ways to do it on the base system and add the mount point to the storages of jails. But none survives a reboot. I have posted my trials on other threads...
  3. H

    mount_smbfs Vs encoding

    Hello, I am trying to mount from my freenas box 11.1-STABLE-U6 my Windows share using a command like: mount_smbfs -I -L fr_FR.UTF-8 -E utf8:utf8 //username@computer/Share /mnt/mountpoint I followed several threads discussing about this (one of them advising the utf8:utf8...
  4. J

    Issue with Character Encoding When Mounting Windows Share to FreeNAS 11 Server

    So I don't have enough storage in my FreeNAS 11 server yet to transfer all my media content onto it yet. However, I'm wanting to run my Plex server on my Freenas server instead of on my Windows desktop. My plan to do this was to mount my Windows shares to Freenas and then add them to the Plex...