Unable to install deluge plugin TrueNAS core 12.0-U8.1


May 19, 2022
Hello everyone.
I hope i post in right form and topic. If not Admin feel free to delete.

I had deluge jail installed for few months on my new TrueNas setup and all worked fine and nice together with Radarr and Sonarr. Then i ran pkg update and upgrade command in the deluge jail that runs on FreeBSD and it updated all the packages.
After this Deluge jail stopped working and i was unable to get into the deluge ui. I know. Should not have updated anything if it works.

So i decided to delete entire jail and install a new. This to my amazement also failed and i cannot get deluge jail installed at all.

Before i removed the jail and after package updates there was some errors present when i write command "deluge" in the jail shell.
Attaching the pictures that contain errors i get.

It feels like phyton update in free bsd to 3.8 version somehow causes this. If anyone have some suggestions on what to do?


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  • freeBSd.png
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Mar 30, 2016
Hello bringerer.

Not too helpful, but I confirm I can replicate your issues on my TrueNAS-12.0-U8.1 Core. It fails with the exact same error as you've listed above.

I'm getting a similar error on SABnzbd plugin install. Would you mind trying to install SABnzbd, to see if you get this error too?
Error: sabnzbd had a failure Exception: RuntimeError Message: Last 10 lines: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sabnzbd: WARNING: failed to start sabnzbd sabnzbd not running? (cat). sed: /usr/local/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini: No such file or directory /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sabnzbd: WARNING: failed to start sabnzbd Partial plugin destroyed

Is this a wider issue?


May 19, 2022
Hello Lucky
Yes i can confirm similar error when trying to install SABnzbd.

Can anyone help us with this please.


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May 19, 2022
An update.
After lots of trail and error i managed to get deluge to work

I created the jail manually via TrueNas interface.
Selected advanced jail creation
Name: deluge
Select NAT checkbox
Go to network properties and select NAT port forwarding
protocol: tcp
both jail and host port number needs to be 8112

Start the jail
enter its shell
run these commands:
pkg update (it will say that it needs package management tool so proceed to install it)
pw useradd -n deluge -u 8675309 -m -c "Deluge BitTorrent Client" -s /usr/sbin/nologin -w no
mkdir -p /home/deluge/.config/deluge
chown -R deluge:deluge /home/deluge/
mkdir /Downloads
chown deluge:deluge /Downloads
pkg install deluge (this will take some time to complete )
sysrc -f /etc/rc.conf deluged_enable="YES"
sysrc -f /etc/rc.conf deluged_user="deluge"
sysrc -f /etc/rc.conf deluge_web_enable="YES"
sysrc -f /etc/rc.conf deluge_web_user="deluge"
service deluged start
service deluge_web start

After this i could access deluge web interface over truenas ip and port 8112 (192.168.xxx.xxx:8112) and all worked as before.

Most of the commands were copied from:

It seems that main reason why plugin does not work is command pip which is not found if ran according to project script.

Hope this helps to someone.


May 19, 2022
Another update.
I posted this solution to the github of the plugin and developer fixed the problem and reports that standard plugin installation should work now without issues.


May 30, 2013
An update.
After lots of trail and error i managed to get deluge to work

I created the jail manually via TrueNas interface.
Selected advanced jail creation
Name: deluge
Select NAT checkbox
Go to network properties and select NAT port forwarding
protocol: tcp
both jail and host port number needs to be 8112

Start the jail
enter its shell
run these commands:
pkg update (it will say that it needs package management tool so proceed to install it)
pw useradd -n deluge -u 8675309 -m -c "Deluge BitTorrent Client" -s /usr/sbin/nologin -w no
mkdir -p /home/deluge/.config/deluge
chown -R deluge:deluge /home/deluge/
mkdir /Downloads
chown deluge:deluge /Downloads
pkg install deluge (this will take some time to complete )
sysrc -f /etc/rc.conf deluged_enable="YES"
sysrc -f /etc/rc.conf deluged_user="deluge"
sysrc -f /etc/rc.conf deluge_web_enable="YES"
sysrc -f /etc/rc.conf deluge_web_user="deluge"
service deluged start
service deluge_web start

After this i could access deluge web interface over truenas ip and port 8112 (192.168.xxx.xxx:8112) and all worked as before.

Most of the commands were copied from:

It seems that main reason why plugin does not work is command pip which is not found if ran according to project script.

Hope this helps to someone.

Just wanted to thank you for posting this. I recently had to recreate my jails and reinstall all my jail-based plugins/services. The "unofficial" plugin for Deluge works (it installs and runs), but I was unable to give it write access to my datasets due to UID/GID conflicts. (I'm running TrueNAS-13.0-U4 on my machine.)

Apparently the Deluge plugin installs and creates user/group "deluge" with UID/GID "8675309" -- which also happens to be the same UID/GID for the TrueNAS built-in user/group "media." I tried a few methods suggested online, but none of them worked. I also tried changing the UID/GID of the jail-based "deluge" user/group, but it wouldn't actually work (deluged and deluge_web processes would no longer start-up).

I followed your guide, but had to make two changes:

#1 I used UID/GID "8112" for the user/group that I created in the jail. I then made identical the same user/group (with same 8112 UID/GID) in TrueNas, then added that user/group to the ACL for my dataset.

#2 When I tried to run "pkg install deluge" it gave me an error that it couldn't be found. I used this solution:

Here's the fix:
Edit /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf


url: "pkg+http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/quarterly",


url: "pkg+http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/release_1",

then you can pkg install deluge

After that, it installed just fine, and it's working perfectly. Thanks for posting that!