Zpool unable to import

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Mar 11, 2014
Well hi there, i think i *()!&@# Something up.

Ill try to keep it short, but dont want to lose importand details so here i go.
(yea i know my english is bad, ill try my best though)

I (use to) have a 4x1 x 3.0 TB Raid aray
It told me 1 of the drives had failed so i went on to investigate:

I could see only 3 disks in the list of drives so i did a reboot of the system (trough web interface)

after that all 4 disks where back, but it was still nagging about beging in an unknown state.

I turned of the entire system took out all the drivers and hooked them up to my pc to read all the SMART data, turns out there all fine.

When starting up the system again (all the drives are mounted in the exact same position, have the exact same cables and use the exact same SATA poort on the motherboard) it started flipping, the raidz got an error and would not load the data.

I removed the Volume (Raidz its called) and tried re-adding it.
did not work. so i hopped on putty got onto my NAS that way.

i used smartctl to check the smarts again--> all fine
i used zpool import in an effort to readd my raid:
this is the result:

[root@freenas] ~# zpool import
pool: Raidz
id: 17427882885023249741
state: UNAVAIL
status: One or more devices are missing from the system.
action: The pool cannot be imported. Attach the missing
devices and try again.
see: http://illumos.org/msg/ZFS-8000-3C

Raidz UNAVAIL insufficient replicas
raidz1-0 UNAVAIL insufficient replicas
gptid/c6d0e69c-2f71-11e3-8cf1-60a44caf4574 ONLINE
3039151938145782797 UNAVAIL cannot open
16372945365665792581 UNAVAIL cannot open
5188031936862843980 UNAVAIL cannot open
[root@freenas] ~#
I understand that there are commands that can reconfigure the pool ID into the drives --> what might save the system, but i read that there are commands that will ruin my raid for like-the-end-of-time.

i just want to ask if anyone can help me, this because i lack the correct information to continue on my own (i did look op some literature) and end up wrecking the raid.

Disks used WD-Red 3tb (4 moths old)
Thanks in advance



Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
Yes, you did "wreck the raid". If I were you I'd just stop and go to backups. If all 4 drives are attached and detected by the system and 3 are still showing as UNAVAIL you've trashed your pool somehow.


Mar 11, 2014
The backups (due to a error we made) is out of date.

If there are truly no options ill just format them and create a new system.
Then Ill see the data as lost.

Any idea on how this might have happend?
So this wont happen again?

i would love to learn form this



Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
You didn't give enough information to determine what went wrong. I will say that taking the drives out of FreeNAS so you could monitor their SMART info was not a good idea. That is likely what did them in. You could have checked the SMART info for the drives from the CLI.. smartctl is part of FreeNAS.

I have no recommendations on how to get your pool back unless you know exactly what went wrong. I offer recovery services, but I wouldn't necessarily expect it to work in your case.


Mar 11, 2014
Well that is a bloody shame.

I can only guess what when wrong, so no solution can be generated.

ill just have to reconfigure my ZFS to a new pool and try to regenerate the lost data from the other computers.
that in combination with the the backups should do atleast something.

thanks for your time and advise.

this was a nice lesson, thanks!


Ps you'll see me around, ill just have to learn more about zfs.
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