Unable to access FreeNAS UI


Dec 21, 2018

I have a FreeNAS server running at home on release:

11.3-RELEASE-p9 (FreeNAS.amd64) #0 r325575+588899735f7(HEAD)

It uses the default self-signed SSL certificate and having worked previously and with no changes made it started returning:

This site can’t provide a secure connection
xxxxxxxxx sent an invalid response. (sanitized)


I had HTTP redirected to HTTPS so I removed that and try to access the console using HTTP, I get:


and that has been the case after restarting nginx and django and also reboots.

I thought maybe I need to put a new proper certificate on there so I went onto my internal home lab CA and created one, however, since I can't get onto the UI I can't install it and I can't find instructions on how to replace the certs via the command line which, thank god, I still have access to.

Operationally the FreeNAS is still serving it's content just I can't manage it any longer.

Anyone able to assist?


Dec 21, 2018
I believe this may be an issue with Squid proxy sitting on the router gateway (routing not NAT) of my lab network hosting the FreeNAS server and my home network on it's crappy consumer wifi router which cannot route anything to the internet but the network subnet it's sitting on (hence the need for squid).

I had set squid to only listen on the lab interface of the lab gateway router and with intercept set. I have now changed it to be listening on all interfaces and it now works for HTTP but HTTPS still fails, but now is connection reset.

I have added the certificate for my home CA but still get connection reset - I believe this may be an issue with Squid again. Squid is something I had experience many years ago and is a skill I have forgotten so I am having to figure it out again. Really it is just there to allow FreeNAS access to the internet to pull updates but it seems to be getting used for actually accessing the FreeNAS server itself even though I did not do any iptables redirection of ports 80 and 443 to 3128.


Nov 28, 2019
I had this problem a while ago. A simple system reboot helped. Since then, there have been no problems.