Sonarr Issue with managing downloaded shows


May 9, 2020
Here is how I want the setup to be:

Download Client: Transmission, it is straight forward
Indexer: Jackett
Organizer: Sonarr
Media Server: PLEX

Transmission to download files to a folder (/mnt/Media/Media-Dataset/Transmission-Dataset), where then Sonarr takes care of the organizing of the TV Shows.

So mainly, i want Sonarr to move the shows to two different locations:
01. for 16+ Shows to be moved to (/mnt/Media/Media-Dataset/TV-Shows/Parents)
02. For Kids Shows to be moved to (/mnt/Media/Media-Dataset/TV-Shows/Kids)

I managed to do all the following steps, but I am not sure how to add the shows in Sonarr and make it organize them the way I need. I know there is a permission aspects for this and I believe there should be even a mounting points as well.

I did this, stopped Sonarr and did a mounting points from (/mnt/Media/Media-Dataset/Transmission-Dataset) to Sonarr media mount, but i do not see them and it is not what i am looking for

All steps are done through GUI,

FreeNAS 11.3

A) within FreeNAS 11.3:
01. Created Group Transmission GID: 921
02. Created Username t.admin UID: 921
03. Created Pool named Media
04. Created Dataset named Media-Dataset (/mnt/Media/Media-Dataset), Share Type: SMB
05. In Media-Dataset ACL, changed the user to t.admin and Group to Transmission
06. Created SMB Share /mnt/Media/Media-Dataset, disabled Shadow Copies
07. In Media-Dataset ACL, Assigned my user with access to view it
08. Created Dataset named Transmission-Dataset (/mnt/Media/Media-Dataset/Transmission-Dataset), Share Type: SMB
09. In Transmission-Dataset ACL, changed the user to t.admin and Group to Transmission
10. In Media-Dataset ACL, Assigned my user with access to view it
11. In Plugin and Jail selected Media as storage
12. Installed Sonnar, Jail named as (Sonarr_J)
13. Installed Transmission, Jail named as (Transmission_J)
14. Installed Jackett, Jail named as (Jackett_J)
15. Stopped Jackett, to update it to DHCP, unset NAT (forget to do it while installing)
16. Started Jackett
17. Stopped Transmission, to mount Source: /mnt/Media/Media-Dataset/Transmission-Dataset, Destination: /mnt/Media/iocage/jails/Transmission_J/root/media
18. Started Transmission

B) Within Jackett:
01. Checked for updates and updated the version as the one installed was old
02. Added my indexers

C) within Sonarr:
01. Added the indexers from Jacketts (
02. Added other indexers
03. Added Download Client (Transmission)
04. After doing D)02.

D) Within Transmission:
01. After doing A)18. Changed Download to: /media
02. Tested downloading a torrent file to check if it will download to Transmission-Dataset >> File was downloaded correctly

your help would be appreciated