Saving snapshots long term on 2nd machine?

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Jan 13, 2013
We are currently replicating snapshots to a secondary machine.
Our primary machine has faster but less storage than our secondary machine.

We'd like to keep the snapshots for longer on the secondary machine. For example, 2 weeks of snapshots on the primary but 30 days of snapshots on the secondary.

The only thing I can think of is to not check the "Recursively replicate and remove stale snapshot on remote side" in the options of the edit "replication tasks"

So I'm guessing this would keep the snapshots on the secondary for an infinite amount of time until I manually deleted them on the secondary?

From experience and what I've read in the docs, If I do click the "Recursively replicate and remove stale snapshot on remote side" Freenas will only keep the snapshots on the secondary machine for the same amount of time on the primary.

I was thinking the ZFS bookmark feature in 9.2 might solve this, but I haven't noticed anything new in the gui and the Periodic Snapshot Tasks and Replication Tasks docs pages haven't been updated since Dec 2013.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?


The replication sub-system is due for a re-write. Not sure if that is happening for 9.2.2 or 10.0.
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