Samba (Win10) 5.48TB free of 5.48TB


Jan 29, 2022
Curious if there is any way to resolve this from displaying weirdly. I assume it is just Windows reading it weird. It does technically make sense, but it's not how I'd prefer it to be displayed. I want to see how much I'm using, versus how much is free.
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Windows shows my network drive over Samba, as '5.48TB free of 5.48TB' in file explorer.
Now for clarity, I do only have 5.48TB free on my Pool. But the Pool itself is around 22TB.

So ideally, I'd like to see it display as 5.48TB free of 22TB.

The interesting thing is, I noticed in a LTT video I watched, that theirs do show this way (874TB free of 2.28 PB, 20.9TB free of 80TB). Which I find interesting.
Maybe this is something that was resolved with TrueNAS Scale, but not on Core?

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