Resilver discrepancy between CLI and GUI


May 6, 2023
I had a drive start showing uncorrectable errors causing it to drop out of the pool, luckily I have spares on hand so I replaced the bad drive with a new one in the GUI.

I began tracking progress both in the GUI and cli using zpool status poolname. At first they were just a little different. The cli always showing it being a little further ahead in the process, maybe a couple percent. However, overnight they really diverged. the GUI is reporting 45% done while cli reports 95%.

Is this normal? I had a similar experience on another pool recently where the resilver on a 6 wide raidz2 vdev filled with 16tb drives took a couple hours and I nearly lost everything.

This time it's a backup pool and all data is available at the source, but I'm a bit gun shy now.

At the time the drive dropped out I was performing a scrub, so perhaps the GUI is reporting the resilver plus a pending scrub?