Replication consuming terrabytes of bandwidth for megabytes of changes

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May 3, 2018
I've got two FreeNAS servers which happily replicated to/from each other on the same lan without trouble for months. Feeling satisfied everything was working correctly I moved the secondary server to my parent's house a few hundred miles away for an offsite backup. Since then a few incremental Windows backups consisting of ~100 MB of changes have resulted in me going well over my monthly terabyte data allotment from Comcast and are taking forever. I backed-down snapshot intervals from hourly to daily, but it's 2018-05-03 and FreeNAS is still replicating from 2018-04-27-0100 (43%, was ~20% this morning, and reporting shows a steady 10 Mb data transfer all day). Yesterday it was doing snapshots from 2018-04-26, so it is making slow progress. Oddly enough, I'm replicating 7 datasets from the primary (Iona to Takao) and 2 datasets from the secondary (Takao to Iona) and this seems to be the only one I've caught doing this, despite identical configuration (all first level datasets are replicated recursively). Any ideas as to what's going wrong here?

Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  type					 filesystem						   -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  creation				 Sun Dec 17  1:44 2017				-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  used					 2.15T								-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  available				6.17T								-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  referenced			   1.81T								-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  compressratio			1.07x								-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  mounted				  yes								  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  quota					none								 default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  reservation			  none								 default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  recordsize			   128K								 default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  mountpoint			   /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  sharenfs				 off								  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  checksum				 on								   default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  compression			  lz4								  inherited from Iona
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  atime					on								   default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  devices				  on								   default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  exec					 on								   default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  setuid				   on								   default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  readonly				 off								  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  jailed				   off								  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  snapdir				  hidden							   default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  aclmode				  passthrough						  inherited from Iona
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  aclinherit			   passthrough						  inherited from Iona
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  canmount				 on								   default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  xattr					off								  temporary
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  copies				   1									default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  version				  5									-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  utf8only				 off								  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  normalization			none								 -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  casesensitivity		  sensitive							-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  vscan					off								  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  nbmand				   off								  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  sharesmb				 off								  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  refquota				 none								 default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  refreservation		   none								 default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  primarycache			 all								  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  secondarycache		   all								  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  usedbysnapshots		  350G								 -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  usedbydataset			1.81T								-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  usedbychildren		   0									-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  usedbyrefreservation	 0									-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  logbias				  latency							  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  dedup					off								  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  mlslabel													  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  sync					 standard							 default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  refcompressratio		 1.05x								-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  written				  155M								 -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  logicalused			  2.29T								-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  logicalreferenced		1.91T								-
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  volmode				  default							  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  filesystem_limit		 none								 default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  snapshot_limit		   none								 default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  filesystem_count		 none								 default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  snapshot_count		   none								 default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  redundant_metadata	   all								  default
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  org.freenas:description									   local
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651  org.freebsd.ioc:active   yes								  inherited from Iona

(Older snapshots omitted, none are over 100 MB.)
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.0000-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.0100-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.0200-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.0300-2w						  240K	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.0400-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.0500-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.0600-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.0700-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.0800-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.0900-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.1000-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.1100-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.1200-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.1300-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.1400-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.1500-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.1600-2w							 0	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.1700-2w						  240K	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.1800-2w						  256K	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.1900-2w						  240K	  -  1.29T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.2000-2w						 9.32M	  -  1.32T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.2100-2w						 79.0M	  -  1.36T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.2200-2w						 12.8M	  -  1.42T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.2300-2w						 13.4M	  -  1.48T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.0000-2w						 20.8M	  -  1.61T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.0100-2w						  101M	  -  1.71T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.0200-2w						 87.5M	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.0300-2w						 87.5M	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.0400-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.0500-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.0600-2w						 87.5M	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.0700-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.0800-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.0900-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.1000-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.1100-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.1200-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.1300-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.1400-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.1500-2w						 87.5M	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.1600-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.1700-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.1800-2w						 87.5M	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.1900-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.2000-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.2100-2w						 87.5M	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.2200-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180427.2300-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180428.0000-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180428.0100-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180428.0200-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180428.0300-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180428.0400-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180428.0500-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180428.0600-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180428.0700-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180428.0800-2w							 0	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180428.0900-2w						 87.6M	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180428.1000-2w						 87.6M	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180429.1000-2w						  105M	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180430.1000-2w						  105M	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180501.1000-2w						  105M	  -  1.81T  -
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180502.1000-2w						  105M	  -  1.81T  -

Iona												   4.32T  6.17T   208K  /mnt/Iona
Iona/.system											158M  6.17T   208K  legacy
Iona/.system/configs-a6c0e9d989e34e389254ef7ccff0bad4  59.6M  6.17T  59.0M  legacy
Iona/.system/cores									 16.0M  6.17T  11.3M  legacy
Iona/.system/rrd-a6c0e9d989e34e389254ef7ccff0bad4	   192K  6.17T   192K  legacy
Iona/.system/samba4									7.10M  6.17T   975K  legacy
Iona/.system/syslog-a6c0e9d989e34e389254ef7ccff0bad4   74.2M  6.17T  17.1M  legacy
Iona/Backup											2.49T  6.17T   228G  /mnt/Iona/Backup
Iona/Backup/Full									   2.26T  6.17T  23.1G  /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop								2.15T  6.17T   176K  /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop
Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651						 2.15T  6.17T  1.81T  /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651
Iona/Backup/Full/Mobile								88.0G  6.17T   355M  /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full/Mobile
Iona/Backup/Full/Mobile/SM-G935P-BLK				   87.5G  6.17T  77.4G  /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full/Mobile/SM-G935P-BLK
Iona/Backup/Full/Server								 173M  6.17T   192K  /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full/Server
Iona/Backup/Full/Server/Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H		  43.7M  6.17T  4.80M  /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full/Server/Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H
Iona/Backup/Full/Server/Iona						   12.7M  6.17T   336K  /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full/Server/Iona
Iona/Backup/Full/Server/Linksys WRT3200ACM			 91.5M  6.17T  12.7M  /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full/Server/Linksys WRT3200ACM
Iona/Backup/Full/Server/Takao						  12.5M  6.17T   176K  /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full/Server/Takao
Iona/Backup/Full/VPS								   3.34G  6.17T   176K  /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full/VPS
Iona/Backup/Full/VPS/Misaka							3.33G  6.17T  2.81G  /mnt/Iona/Backup/Full/VPS/Misaka
Iona/Camera											19.4M  6.17T   216K  /mnt/Iona/Camera
Iona/Home											  75.7G  6.17T   176K  /mnt/Iona/Home
Iona/Home/izomiac									  75.7G  6.17T  75.6G  /mnt/Iona/Home/izomiac
Iona/Media											  867G  6.17T   867G  /mnt/Iona/Media
Iona/Media-Private									  496G  6.17T   496G  /mnt/Iona/Media-Private
Iona/Takao											  396G  6.17T   176K  /mnt/Iona/Takao
Iona/Takao/Backup									  5.45G  6.17T  4.19G  /mnt/Iona/Takao/Backup
Iona/Takao/Home										 390G  6.17T   248G  /mnt/Iona/Takao/Home
Iona/Working										   27.2G  6.17T  27.2G  /mnt/Iona/Working
Iona/jails											 11.5G  6.17T   256K  /mnt/Iona/jails
Iona/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-10.3-x64		 604M  6.17T   600M  /mnt/Iona/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-10.3-x64
Iona/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-11.0-x64		 678M  6.17T   678M  /mnt/Iona/jails/.warden-template-pluginjail-11.0-x64
Iona/jails/plexmediaserver_1						   9.66G  6.17T  2.78G  /mnt/Iona/jails/plexmediaserver_1
Iona/jails/transmission_1							   623M  6.17T   796M  /mnt/Iona/jails/transmission_1
freenas-boot										   2.96G  10.8G	31K  none
freenas-boot/ROOT									  2.94G  10.8G	25K  none
freenas-boot/ROOT/11.1-RELEASE						 15.7M  10.8G   843M  /
freenas-boot/ROOT/11.1-U4							  2.91G  10.8G   851M  /
freenas-boot/ROOT/9.10.2-U6							6.79M  10.8G   644M  /
freenas-boot/ROOT/Initial-Install						 1K  10.8G   620M  legacy
freenas-boot/ROOT/Wizard-2016-11-01_02:13:57			  1K  10.8G   621M  legacy
freenas-boot/ROOT/default							  12.3M  10.8G   633M  legacy
freenas-boot/grub									  6.83M  10.8G  6.83M  legacy

Chris Moore

Hall of Famer
May 2, 2015
Are you doing a full every time or an incremental?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk


May 10, 2016
What are you using for backups? Sounds like a full backup is being run each time. I don't think the built-in windows backup will perform incremental backup.

If backing up over the existing backup file on your ZFS volume, every part of the backup file that is written will need to be replicated and most of the time, that is the entire thing. If your backup files are "rsync inplace" friendly. You could run your backups to a local disk, and then rsync inplace to the ZFS volume which will then only need to replicate the changes. The built in Windows backups, if I recall correctly, write to zip compressed vhd file. I don't know if zip files are rsync inplace friendly. You may need to use a different backup strategy. I would suggest that you just backup your user files to your replicated volume using something like a scheduled robocopy script.

Chris Moore

Hall of Famer
May 2, 2015
Exactly what @PhilipS said... The Windows backup is creating a kind of compressed file every time you make a backup and the only way FreeNAS can sync that is to make a full copy of the whole file. Locally, the new file replaces the old file but it still needs to send the whole file to the remote system, not just the changes. This is because FreeNAS can't look inside the compressed file Windows made to see what the changes are, it just sees a new, totally different, file and shoves it across the network.
If you just sync your files to a backup directory on the NAS and replicate the backup directory, the only thing sent would be the changes because FreeNAS could see the individual files.


May 10, 2016
If you just sync your files to a backup directory on the NAS and replicate the backup directory, the only thing sent would be the changes because FreeNAS could see the individual files.

Sort of. If you copied all your files over your existing files, they would all get replicated again even if they were identical. This is because a copy will write the file again - and ZFS will write these as new blocks (copy on write). So the next snapshot includes all these new writes.

What needs to happen is only the changes need to be written and nothing else. Rsync with the inplace option works well when you have large files that only certain parts of them change (like a DB backup). Compression messes with this though (gzip has an rsyncable option that helps with this). If all the files are smaller, then robocopy on windows would probably do, as it won't copy files that are the same on the destination using the /MIR option.

Chris Moore

Hall of Famer
May 2, 2015
OR, it could be that when you are sending the ZFS snapshot, you are doing a full send instead of an incremental send where it only needs to copy the changes.
zfs send -R -i The " i " is for incremental ...


May 3, 2018
Ok, I figured out the culprit. TLDR: I was a noob and didn't realize the GUI and "zfs send -t snapshot" weren't giving me actual incremental snapshot sizes (that would be a good feature for the GUI BTW, rather than "used", whatever that's actually referring to). Once I did a bit more digging I stumbled across the command below. When I initially noticed a problem I disabled Window's image backup (on 2018-04-22) as several of you suggested, since daily image backups would burn through my data cap too quickly. This required making modifying the backup task. Lo & behold, Windows, in it's infinite wisdom, decided to recreate the whole file backup from scratch rather than continue to do incremental backups. This includes not only my laptop's 100 GB SSD, but also it's 1 TB data drive. Thus, several hundred gigabytes of new files were uploaded spanning several hours and it's taken several days to replicate them. Thanks for your help and my apologies for assuming a FreeNAS/ZFS problem (which I'm inexperienced with & can't easily diagnose) rather than a "Windows doing something stupid" problem.

zfs send -nv -I Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.0000-2w Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180503.1000-2w
send from @auto-20180425.0000-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.0100-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.0100-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.0200-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.0200-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.0300-2w estimated size is 15.8M
send from @auto-20180425.0300-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.0400-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.0400-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.0500-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.0500-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.0600-2w estimated size is 15.8M
send from @auto-20180425.0600-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.0700-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.0700-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.0800-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.0800-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.0900-2w estimated size is 155M
send from @auto-20180425.0900-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.1000-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.1000-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.1100-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.1100-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.1200-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.1200-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.1300-2w estimated size is 15.8M
send from @auto-20180425.1300-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.1400-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.1400-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.1500-2w estimated size is 15.8M
send from @auto-20180425.1500-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.1600-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.1600-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.1700-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.1700-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.1800-2w estimated size is 15.8M
send from @auto-20180425.1800-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.1900-2w estimated size is 82.6K
send from @auto-20180425.1900-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.2000-2w estimated size is 146M
send from @auto-20180425.2000-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.2100-2w estimated size is 15.8M
send from @auto-20180425.2100-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.2200-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.2200-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180425.2300-2w estimated size is 624
send from @auto-20180425.2300-2w to Iona/Backup/Full/Laptop/NP8651@auto-20180426.0000-2w estimated size is 15.8M
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total estimated size is 556G
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