RAID Controller question

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May 4, 2014
I've seen the dire warnings about H/W RAID and F/N, but I'm perplexed because I've been doing this for many years with Solaris and its bundled ZFS. I discovered a long time ago that if you partition your volumes (I just put everything in s0), ZFS won't take any liberties with the drive (like turning off write cache and other unsocial behaviors).

This has been working great in an enterprise environment where I want the ease of management and zoning of an array controller over FC, but want n-way mirroring on ZFS for scalable random read IOPS where I can just add as many drives as a LUN needs for that workload profile.

So does this (partition and zpool create with a slice vs raw device) not work of OpenZFS in FreeNAS?

Reason I ask is my server boxes came with H700's that only work in RAID mode.
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