Please Help

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Feb 16, 2015
HI to all
I need some help like ASAP
Due to power failures " Load Shedding" my freenas server doesn't want to work if I switch it on as normal nothing happens but when I pull out my data hard drive and leave my hard drive with my Operating system in it boots up what can I do to get my server to full working condition
Thank you


Sep 3, 2011
If I were in that situation I would start looking at the possibility that (maybe) the power supply is having issues, you may have already looked at these but I figured I would mention them anyway......
  1. Personally, before I start any testing I would remove my data drives and put them somewhere safe, same for the drive where the OS is installed.
  2. Try adding in one, two, three, four drives on to your system, if you have them spare and try booting the system. If possible, add as many drives as you have in your POOL(s). Make sure the drives show up in the BIOS of the motherboard, or the HBA that you may be using. If possible boot from a live distribution like Knoppix or Linux Mint. Something that should eventually give you a usable environment providing your hardware is OK. If you have a successful boot you should be able to list available drives from within the booted LIVE environment and also inspect the HBA (lspci). Download the Koppix/Mint ISO and burn to USB, it will boot faster than CDROM.
  3. Are you using a HBA or are the drives connected directly to the motherboard ? If so, try connecting the spare drives to the motherboard directly
That should be a reasonable start
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