Other devices to TrueNAS


Oct 27, 2020
After hours of attempts and at least an hour searching the forums, only able to connect Win7 and Win10 devices to my TrueNAS
Created the pool, dataset, and SMB share, but can only get my Win7/10 devices to connect. I need to be able to connect all devices, including an old WinServer 2003 and a couple of streaming devices to this TrueNAS.

When attempting to connect the WinServer2003, I get the following: "The mapped network drive count be created because the following error occurred:

No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as manny connections as the computer can accept"

My streaming device can't even see it. It can see my old FreeNAS but not TrueNAS.

I am fairly new to this type of system so knowing my luck, it is something very simple. Just don't know what it is.

Bottom line, need the TrusNAS to be allow open access to all devices on the network (no passwords). System is on a closed network with no web access except through a powerful hardware firewall that will only let certain IPs through. The TrueNAS is not one of them so the extra security is not needed.

