New install of 11.2, imported config, broken stuff, can't lock encrypted pool


Dec 26, 2015
Hi all,

I just migrated to some new hardware and decided to move from a NVMe boot drive to a USB boot drive. I installed the latest from the website and confirmed the checksum. After I imported my config file, I had issues getting my drives decrypted with my passphrase but I used my recovery key, everything mounted, and then I rekeyed the pool, created a new passphrase, and downloaded my new key and recovery key. Now, I can unlock the drives without fail (with passphrase) but I cannot relock them without rebooting the machine. It just says an error has occurred without giving me any information.

Also, most reporting features seem to be broken: Network traffic, CPU load, memory usage, temperatures, some things load and others say NaN%

Any ideas?

SuperMicro X10SDV-4C-TLN2F
64GB of ECC ram
5x 6TB WD Reds (encrypted)
1x WD Green 2TB (Not encrypted)
32GB Patriot rage flash drive (UEFI install)
Freenas 11.2-U7

After writing all of this, I switched to legacy view and it actually gave me a traceback:

Software Version: FreeNAS-11.2-U7 (299a0ab8e2)
Request Method: POST
Request URL:

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/" in inner
  42.             response = get_response(request)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/" in _legacy_get_response
  249.             response = self._get_response(request)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/" in _get_response
  178.             response = middleware_method(request, callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs)
File "./freenasUI/freeadmin/" in process_view
  163.         return login_required(view_func)(request, *view_args, **view_kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/contrib/auth/" in _wrapped_view
  23.                 return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
File "./freenasUI/storage/" in volume_lock
  985.         notifier().volume_detach(volume)
File "./freenasUI/middleware/" in volume_detach
  2032.                                   (vol_name, cmd, p1.returncode, stderr))

Exception Type: MiddlewareError at /legacy/storage/volume/1/lock/
Exception Value: [MiddlewareError: Failed to detach RaidReds with "zpool export RaidReds" (exited with 1): cannot unmount '/mnt/RaidReds/media': Device busy