SOLVED iocage fails to upgrade jail from 12.3 to 13.1 base


Feb 28, 2017
I have a nextcloud jail instance that I am trying to upgrade from 12.3 base image to 13.1 base image, i get the following error.
# uname -ro
#iocage upgrade -r 13.1-RELEASE nextcloud
Mounting src into jail failed! Rolling back snapshot.

Now the catch is that, when I ran the command for the very first time, I stopped it half-way by pressing Ctrl-C as I thought it had stuck. Apparently the upgrade was going on in the background. So I might have messed up with something but I cannot tell.

I have rolled back to a snapshot that I know it works well, and repeated the process however the error keeps coming up.

Q: Any ideas on where to check for anything corrupted that stop the upgrade from happening ?

The jail has been created against a 12.3 base image with no issues upgrading in the past.
root@freenas:/ # iocage list
iocage list -l
| JID |      NAME       | BOOT | STATE |   TYPE   |     RELEASE      |          IP4          | IP6 | TEMPLATE | BASEJAIL |
| 39  | nextcloud       | on   | up    | jail     | 12.3-RELEASE-p5  | vnet0| | -   | -        | yes      |

Under the iocage/jails/nextcloud folder the fstab file reads likes this
# cat fstab
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/bin    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/bin    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/boot    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/boot    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/lib    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/lib    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/libexec    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/libexec    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/rescue    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/rescue    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/sbin    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/sbin    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/usr/bin    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/usr/bin    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/usr/include    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/usr/include    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/usr/lib    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/usr/lib    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/usr/libexec    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/usr/libexec    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/usr/sbin    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/usr/sbin    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/usr/share    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/usr/share    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/usr/libdata    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/usr/libdata    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/releases/12.3-RELEASE/root/usr/lib32    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/usr/lib32    nullfs    ro    0    0
/mnt/RESILIENT_VOL/nextcloud/data/db    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/var/db/mysql    nullfs    rw    0    0
/mnt/RESILIENT_VOL/nextcloud/data/files    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/media    nullfs    rw    0    0
/mnt/RESILIENT_VOL/backup    /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root/mnt/backup    nullfs    ro    0    0 # Added by iocage on 2020-11-21 10:54:25

This confirms the Jail is not a clone and makes use of 12.3 base image
# zfs list -t filesystem -o name,origin -r /mnt/MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails
NAME                                         ORIGIN
MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails                       -
MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud             -
MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud/root        -

Also if I try to run the iocage upgrade command straight after the error I get the following error, apparently caused by the snapshot.
Snapshot already exists
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/iocage", line 10, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 1128, in __call__
    return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 1053, in main
    rv = self.invoke(ctx)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 1659, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 1395, in invoke
    return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 754, in invoke
    return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/iocage_cli/", line 40, in cli
    ioc.IOCage(jail=jail, skip_jails=skip_jails).upgrade(release)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/iocage_lib/", line 2086, in upgrade
    new_release = ioc_upgrade.IOCUpgrade(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/iocage_lib/", line 236, in upgrade_basejail
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/iocage_lib/", line 403, in __snapshot_jail__
    ioc.IOCage(jail=self.uuid, skip_jails=True, silent=True).snapshot(name)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/iocage_lib/", line 1719, in snapshot
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/iocage_lib/", line 107, in logit
    callback(content, exception)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/iocage_lib/", line 92, in callback
    raise callback_exception(message)
iocage_lib.ioc_exceptions.Exists: Snapshot already exists
Last edited:


Feb 28, 2017
Upgraded from 13.0-U1 to 13.0-U1.1 and rebooted

iocage upgrade -r 13.1-RELEASE nextcloud

which resulted to
nextcloud successfully upgraded from 12.3-RELEASE-p5 to 13.1-RELEASE!
Please reboot the jail and inspect.
Remove the snapshot: ioc_upgrade_2022-08-09 if everything is OK

so either the reboot or the upgrade did it, or both

Patrick M. Hausen

Hall of Famer
Nov 25, 2013
At your first attempt the error is right in the first line of your last iocage invocation:
Snapshot already exists

iocage creates a snapshot with a fixed name for any upgrade of a jail. When you interrupt an upgrade that snapshot remains and subsequent repeat attempts fail.

Try zfs list -t snapshot -r MEDIA_VOL/iocage/jails/nextcloud to see if that is the case and zfs destroy to remove them.

iocage error messages are a thing of beauty. Instead of catching anything that goes wrong and printing a message meaningful in the context, it just throws a python exception. Try iocage foo for fun ... shouldn't that be "foo - unknown command" or similar?