Installing data/plugins to Plex Freenas | latest

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Oct 25, 2018
Hi I have managed to get Plex installed on a computer(freenas 11.2-rc1)
My question is how to install an unlisted plugin( Category5 TV Network Plex/and other plugins[plex]/skins)
Its where to put the data so that it can be read and inserted so that it can be picked up and installed, by Plex.
I am farmiliar with the bash prompt and can look/poke around the freenas box, from the shell provided.

The plugins/data/skins would be download from the internet in Win10 on a separate box
entirely. I have managed to get a network drive letter so that I can insert media for Plex to play.


Powered by Neutrality
Jan 1, 2016
Plex skins would be for the client, not the server, so would not be something to put on the FreeNAS system.

Installing custom add-ons for Plex can be done in the pluginjail, usually under "/usr/local/share/plexmediaserver(-plexpass)/Resources/Plug-ins-XXXXXXX (insert your appropriate number here in place of the XXXXXXX)


Oct 25, 2018
Plex skins would be for the client, not the server, so would not be something to put on the FreeNAS system.

Installing custom add-ons for Plex can be done in the pluginjail, usually under "/usr/local/share/plexmediaserver(-plexpass)/Resources/Plug-ins-XXXXXXX (insert your appropriate number here in place of the XXXXXXX)
Thank-you I have been able to locate the Plug-ins Directory.
Is there an easy way to map a windows share to the location? I am in the middle of trying to find it to map one, but I am very green to freenas.
when I try the same way I did to map a drive letter to insert media(for playing movies..), I get the error that the directory/folder has to be empty.


Powered by Neutrality
Jan 1, 2016
when I try the same way I did to map a drive letter to insert media(for playing movies..), I get the error that the directory/folder has to be empty.
You didn't say which method you used originally (and mapping what to where).

If you just want to put some files somewhere on the FreeNAS server, I would recommend using SCP (Secure copy over SSH), using Filezilla or another client that supports it (WinSCP is one, I think, but don't quote me on that).

If you want to be able to copy/drop files there regularly from a windows machine, a mapped drive is OK for that, so set up an SMB share for that location and map the share to a drive letter (like it seems you already said you did).


Oct 25, 2018
You didn't say which method you used originally (and mapping what to where).

If you want to be able to copy/drop files there regularly from a windows machine, a mapped drive is OK for that, so set up an SMB share for that location and map the share to a drive letter (like it seems you already said you did).
I managed to map a drive letter(windows) so that plex could see the movies on it and play them. As to exactly where that is in FreeNas I dont know.

I would like to do the same with the plugin directory so that I could insert plugins for Plex in the same way. I think it should be relativity simple.
I am having difficulties redoing the installation of Freenass at the moment due to usb drive issues, It seams to only write part of the installer...... Ho hum I am using Rufus for that part.


Oct 25, 2018
I have added my plugin(category5tv.bundle)to the list of plugnins in the folder mentioned above, there are 19 plugins in that directory. I can't seem to get that plugin to list though inside plexpass. What steps am I missing? Do I have to reboot freenaas?

Is this some weird geolocation problem I am in the UK.

I have setup plex, shared a share root to the plugins directory, so I can browse it in windows, and installed the plugin and started plex.


Powered by Neutrality
Jan 1, 2016
What permissions are on the files? ls -l


Oct 25, 2018
If you just want to put some files somewhere on the FreeNAS server, I would recommend using SCP (Secure copy over SSH), using Filezilla or another client that supports it (WinSCP is one, I think, but don't quote me on that).
Not sure about permissions on files, I have yet to find them in the shell on freenas but I do have to change some bits to get the windows share working I have to find the path in 'storage options' so I can write from windows.

I quoted the above as I have Filezilla installed and have been trying to connect to the FreeNas server with it, unsuccessfully.
I have enabled the ftp service and a (ssh, I think) and have put in the local-ip of the server, and tried to connect using root credentials(unsuccessfully).

Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.
Command: USER root
Response: 331 Password required for root
Command: PASS ************
Response: 530 Login incorrect.
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server


Mar 30, 2014
I think you should sort out your FreeNAS installation first, then worry about Plex. What is it that you are trying to do with Filezilla? I don't see any information about your system, so it is difficult to offer specific advice.

Regardless of whether you installed Plex via the FreeNAS plugin or by hand, it will be running in a jail. You cannot create a Windows share to a folder in a jail. The easiest way to access the Plex Plugins folder from a windows machine will be to create a new folder on one of your data volumes for the plugins, then create a share for that folder which will allow you to copy plugins from the windows machine to the FreeNAS machine. You can then copy your plugins from the new folder to the Plex plugins folder using the FreeNAS Shell (this will require that you learn a few FreeBSD commands.) For as often as one would need to update plugins, this is a simple and straightforward way to get what you want.


Oct 25, 2018
I think you should sort out your FreeNAS installation first, then worry about Plex. What is it that you are trying to do with Filezilla? I don't see any information about your system, so it is difficult to offer specific advice.

Regardless of whether you installed Plex via the FreeNAS plugin or by hand, it will be running in a jail.

Thanks all for the help, this is now sorted, yes this is an install of Plex via FreeNas, although I did install last night a version of Plex direct to windows, this eventually l got to have the plugin( working, that ruled out a faulty plugin.

Today I having read the posts above about ftp/shh, I have also watched a youtube video about ftp(I did not realize you had to allow root through ftp), I have been able to install the plugin directly via ftp and all's well, it works over FreeNas installed Plex.

You say above that you can not create a samba share to a folder in a jail, this is not so I managed it. However the plugin once put their did not work grantedly.
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