Incorrect folder size appearing on mac

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Bob Cooper

May 29, 2012
Hi there,

I have been copying some large files over to a folder on my freenas server. When I check the size of the original folder against the copy on the server I notice that the sizes are very different (approximately half the size on the server) naturally I assumed that not everything had copied over so I checked the files within, but everything is there. Why is the folder size not consistent? I am re-copying over the files to see if this resolves the issue but it is happening to a number of folders and I'm worried that it is not copying properly.

I'm using freenas 8.0.4
The server hard drives are 40 x 2tb mirrored ZFS (so under 20tb in total space but all split into 10 separate storage areas of 1.8tbs each).
I'm using Mac OS X 10.5.8

Any ideas why this is happening / have any of you seen this problem before?

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