Fleebay Server Recommendation


Apr 15, 2015
I searched around a bit but most questions seem to be around specific hardware someone already had/was considering. Also, many of the posts were a bit older.

I am thinking of changing out my FreeNAS setup and wondering if there is a recommended enterprise server that I should look for on fleebay that is good value and there are tons out there kind of thing. Some initial needs/thoughts...
  • Home use ... primarily storage and backup
  • Maybe needs to hold 6 disks (currently 5 2TB being used). I could be convinced to use something with less drives and move up to 4TB drives but I chose the 2TB option because I don't use that much space and wanted to use raidz.
  • Not a power hog ... something reasonable
  • Not running VMs and maybe just a plugin or two
  • Something common, readily available and relatively cheap on Ebay
  • Fits into home media rack
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
