Display of snapshots broken

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Oct 27, 2015
In my browser in the table of snapshots the FreeNAS GUI doesn't display all items it should. It says "1 - 8 von 8 Einträge". However only 6 are displayed. I can even scroll up and down in the list of 6 items. At the bottom of the list there is a glimpse of the next entry in the list, I can even select this. Probably the error is in the calculation of the size of the scrollable area.

This is really annoying because I'm forced to filter the snapshots to see specific ones.

I noticed btw. that the text elements in the table are in German. This is in contrast to the rest of the GUI which follows the setting to English. My system has a German locale set otherwise and I guess there is a component used which uses this setting. This is however not a problem.

I'm using Safari on OS X (Version 7.1.8).

Has anyone else experienced this? How can this be solved?


Were you able to figure this out? If not, what is the build version (from System -> Information)?


Oct 27, 2015
Thank you for asking! The issue is open. I'm using FreeNAS-9.3-STABLE-201512121950. I have Safari Version 9.0.2 (9537. on a Mac OS X 10.9.5 (Mavericks).

I guess this may be caused by the buttons in the "Available Actions" column: These are much higher than required. If I resize then I can see much smaller buttons without the icons on them. During resizing the lines of the table snap into being displayed with lower height. The problem probably lies within the code which renders the icons onto the buttons and resizes them according to a broken logic. Screenshot of this below.

I have a screenshot of this. Note there is no scrollbar on the right hand side, lines look higher than appropriate, in the bottom left it says 10 entries should be displayed, actually there are 6. (The screenshot has been reduced to 50%.)

Can I supply any other helpful information?

Screenshot of problem:

Bildschirmfoto 2016-01-01 um 18.03.01.png

Screenshot during resizing of the window:

Bildschirmfoto 2016-01-01 um 18.15.10.png


That sucks... Though there any changes being made to the 9.x GUI as those resources are going into the 10 GUI instead.


Oct 27, 2015
It doesn't seem to be a very common issue and it surely sucks but at least the system is usable. IOW: I'm glad when you consider it worth tackling whether in a 9.x or a 10.x release. :smile:
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