Confused with True Status of TrueNAS 12.0


Dec 17, 2020
Is this Beta? Or a release version? I'm confused... On the TrueNAS website it's implied to me that 12.0 is all singing all dancing, worthy of release. But after installing it (Clean install, I have no legacy FreeNAS to upgrade) I have yet to manage to achieve sharing of any filesystem via NFS or SMB.

I know there are niggles with reporting graphs (Only supported in Los Angeles), but in addition we have

  • No documentation on things like NFS... ( For example when enabling NFSv4, does it (As implied on the GUI) disable nfsv3? or is it simply adding nfsv4 to the existing nfsv3?
    If I could actually get an export working, I'd probaly be able to figure it out myself... But neither option results in a working NFS server. The best I have managed is logs saying
  • I'll just add not being able to get NFS working as a separate item... What is the /etc/zfs/exports file for example?

  • If I disable NFSv4 at least TrueNAS logs a mount success by the client. Except the client can't actually mount anything... (I've tried both Centos 7 and a QNAP NAS as the NFS client. Both of which can mount from Synology/Linux/QNAP NAS's... Just not tom TrueNAS.


    Broken NFS client? Probably not... I have NFS mounted from Synology and QNAP NAS's already

  • Links from the 'How do we improve' in the docs that just get a 404

  • SMB, I've already posted my issues with SMB previously... Every attempt by any client ends up with an error telling me that the item can't actually be found.

I don't want to start any arguments... And I'm happy to be told to RTFM... Except I already tried to RTFM and discovered that TFM doesn't actually exist...

I haven't tried 11.x yet... Because this is a new install to provide backup for my existing QNAP NAS... 12.0 was the default to download, and I really don't want to install 1.x only to have to upgrade it in a few weeks to 12 anyway.


Super Moderator
Aug 25, 2016
Thanks for your feedback on the documentation issues! That broken link has been fixed and is now properly directing to the Jira NAS project. The various sharing articles been through an initial porting phase and are starting to undergo new reviews and improvements. NFS, AFP, and WebDAV articles are all on the docket for improvement, so keep an eye one those spaces for updates in the near future!