Cloud Sync Tasks: Not syncing all files to Google Drive


Nov 4, 2020
Using FreeNAS-11.3-U2.1, I have since a while back syncing my NAS to a Google Drive (not Cloud), and I've just recently seen that it is not syncing all folders. It is completely random which folder it is, same folder name can exists on one place, but not another, example:

Folder A/Subfolder A/Example (exists on Google Drive)
Folder A/Subfolder A/Example B (exists)
Folder B/Subfolder A/Example (Exists)
Folder B/Subfolder A/Example B (Does not exists on Google Drive)

Is there anyway to debug the Cloud Tasks more than the logs that are created? Would like to know status of each and every file that Cloud Sync sees, not just the ones that are synced.

Does FreeNAS store a rclone configuration file anywhere that I can run directly through rclone CLI directly?

Thanks in advance!