Can't install any plugins on fresh 9.3 install

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Jan 23, 2015
Any attempts to install a plugin result in:

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/handlers/" in get_response
105. response = middleware_method(request, callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs)
File "/usr/local/www/freenasUI/../freenasUI/freeadmin/" in process_view
157. return login_required(view_func)(request, *view_args, **view_kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/auth/" in wrapped_view
22. return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/www/freenasUI/../freenasUI/plugins/" in install_available
284. raise MiddlewareError(e)
File "/usr/local/www/freenasUI/../freenasUI/middleware/" in init
38. log.warn(str(self))
File "/usr/local/www/freenasUI/../freenasUI/middleware/" in str
41. return "[%s: %s]" % (type(self).
_n ame__, s elf.value.encode('utf-8'))

Exception Type: AttributeError at /plugins/plugin/install/cd63243d4208702043c688d0e48b3137410ecbccc505f357d140ab4d2bbcdb99/
Exception Value: 'exceptions.IOError' object has no attribute 'encode'

I notice others have posted the same issue, any fix out there?


Jan 19, 2015
I have the exact same problem. Same error messages. Fresh install also (with the automatic updates).


Jan 23, 2015
Hate to say this but here goes.

After years and years of a mostly happy relationship with FreeNAS I am removing it from my system, it is simple not ready for production anymore (even home use).

I have spent the past 3 days trying to setup a new server with FreeNAS 9.3 from scratch, hitting nothing but bug after bug. I also tried 3 other older versions but each of those failed at some point in the setup with their own catastrophic bug, CIFS doesn't work, plugins don't work, permissions don't work. I find that the bugs that I am hitting are in the forums and in the bug reports, some for months and month with no fixes. They are known issues.

I have thrown in the towel and installed (YUCK) Windows Server 2012 instead, and what do you know, within an hour I am up and running, all shares working, torrents and plex working, owncloud working, I hate M$ as much as anyone but this shit just works. (I need a shower now)

Sorry FreeNAS, I tried and tried. Hopefully at some point the software will be great again, I will be first in line to switch if it does.

So long ZFS, I will miss you most of all.


Jan 23, 2015
Nope, I still think the project is awesome, and it works great for thousands of people, it ran stable for me for a decade. It's just in the last few versions that I started having trouble with CIFS and permissions and the plugin system, all these things may work fine for you.

I'll probably come back around once I remember what I am missing not running it. And how much I hate Windows.


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
I'm using CIFS without problems. I've also worked with companies that use CIFS with LDAP or AD without problems.

Not to sounds like a jerk, but your problems sound like more of a lack of experience and knowledge than anything else.

CIFS permissions are a commonly discussed problem. The only fix is to learn how to use them properly. Even if I logged into your box and fixed them right now, if you don't know how to use them in the future when you create more shares you'll have nothing but problems (and will often undo the work I have done trying to fix your problem).

Plugins.. well, they can be great but they also remove the experience and knowledge of how they work inside. They also come with certain limitations, especially with regards to upgrading. So if something goes bad you have no knowledge of what to do or how the plugin works internally.... you clicked a button and the plugin was created. That being said, people that choose to not use plugins and instead create their own jails using the same software have MUCH better experiences because they know the ins and outs of what is going on inside the jail.

I'm using my box here at home, and there are some learning pains for things like CIFS permissions from pre-9.2.1 and post-9.2.1. My setup isn't overly complex either, and everything I've done is either in the forums or in the FreeNAS manual. I've got 2 pools and about a dozen jails (no plugins because I don't want to deal with the limitations of plugins.. particularly relying on someone else to maintain the plugin). I'm using CIFS and NFS shares, I have an iSCSi extent for some VMs. I also have some custom scripts that monitor my server and provide a nightly email of stuff that I like to track, but nothing overly fancy.


Jan 23, 2015
I've used FreeNAS for nearly a decade and my day job is storage management supporting several different enterprise storage vendors, how much experience do you feel is required?

I had a fresh install and setup CIFS as the manual specifies, to the letter, I was left with a share that was read-only to all Windows clients, this is a known bug and has been open/unresolved for 9 months. I found the best offered fix in the forums and applied it, this worked, until a reboot, upon reboot the CIFS service would not even start and the shell reported a ton of messages saying permissions had been "repaired". CIFS worked fine for years and years to this point.

The first time I tried to install ANY plugin on this fresh install I was met with a page long dump and complete failure, others have the same issue and there is a case open for it. You can say I don't know what I'm doing all you like but this was as simple as clicking install on any plugin on a fresh install of FreeNAS, please tell me where my knowledge failed me.

NFS and iSCSI were not a problem in the past, I wasn't using them yet with this new server as CIFS was the most important service.


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
I've used FreeNAS for nearly a decade and my day job is storage management supporting several different enterprise storage vendors, how much experience do you feel is required?

That depends. If its 100% Windows experience, then you are only a step or two ahead of someone that has no file server experience when looking at FreeNAS. FreeNAS is based on FreeBSD, and is a totally different beast with regards to how to do proper server storage.

I had a fresh install and setup CIFS as the manual specifies, to the letter, I was left with a share that was read-only to all Windows clients, this is a known bug and has been open/unresolved for 9 months. I found the best offered fix in the forums and applied it, this worked, until a reboot, upon reboot the CIFS service would not even start and the shell reported a ton of messages saying permissions had been "repaired". CIFS worked fine for years and years to this point.

What's the bug number? How did you come to the determination that you hit *that exact bug*. Just because you had a given error message does not mean you hit that bug.

CIFS changed with Samba being upgraded from 3.x to 4.x. There was some learning curve involved both by the end-user as well as the development team at iXsystems. There's a reason why 9.2.1 had like 12 releases when it was expected to have just 1 release. It was such a dramatic change that 9.2.2 was eventually scrapped for 9.3, and 9.3's release was set back by 5+ months.

The first time I tried to install ANY plugin on this fresh install I was met with a page long dump and complete failure, others have the same issue and there is a case open for it. You can say I don't know what I'm doing all you like but this was as simple as clicking install on any plugin on a fresh install of FreeNAS, please tell me where my knowledge failed me.

Without the exact error there's no way to prove it wasn't user error. I can definitely do quite a few things that cause dumps, and most of them are user mis-configuration problems.

These complaints are all straw-men complaints without specifics to validate *what* the problem was. Errors can be caused by many things, and assuming you hit some bug that was documented months ago really doesn't validate a darn thing to me. In fact, I'd bet that the bug ticket that is open from 9 months ago and isn't closed is almost certainly user-error. If it wasn't there'd be LOTS of users complaining about the problem and it would have been fixed sooner than 9 months plus whatever time will be tacked onto that ticket in the future.
Mar 6, 2014
I've used FreeNAS for nearly a decade...
..., this is a known bug and has been open/unresolved for 9 months.
I found the best offered fix in the forums...
...others have the same issue and there is a case open for it.
Just curious: Why did you become a forum member only since saturday? Maybe someone might have helped you out a lot sooner if you had just asked.


Jun 10, 2011
Maybe was a freenas 0.6 / 0.7 user and then followed the nas4free project
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