Cannot edit Replication Jobs


Feb 21, 2022
Hi All,

I have done some research on the forum already and there appears to be reports but no fixes.

I have a replication job running (multiple but for now this is the one I am talking about). I have a main Pool that has a few Datasets being mainly shared via SMB. On this pool I also have a 2tb zVol being used via iscsi. all nice and fast!!!

I am replicating key data to a secondary pool locally. so I have 2 main replication jobs. One for my Photos and one for my zVOL.

I noticed that the destination zVol has no retention set on its snapshots so is just "growing" etc.... I went to adjust the job to keep the same retention as the source as this serves my purposes for local resiliency. problem is when edit the job I cannot save it. Get the following error:



from what I read this was meant to be "fixed" in the latest version TrueNAS-SCALE-22.12.2 (which I am on!!)

any idea how I can tweak the job without re-creating it.... and then deleting the old one??