Backup confusion


Sep 25, 2018
Hey guys, couple questions about a backup strategy for my important data.

my main server is an Unraid machine (i know), it has about 400gb of photos, documents, etc. I also have a Truenas core server at my house, another at my parents connected by a site to site VPN, and a Backblaze B2 and Onedrive account.

Right now i am using Duplicacy to backup my entire "keep" directory daily to my Truenas, Parents Truenas, and Onedrive. I like to have a few options in case Duplicacy shits the bed. I also setup a cloud sync from my Truenas to Onedrive backing up my "duplicacy" dataset.

What more should i be doing? do i need to backup all the files or are snapshots and replication tasks the way to go, kind of confused?

I want to find a streamlined way to do things so my I'm not uploading constantly.. ie. duplicacy at 3, 6, 9 am, cloud sync at 12, rclone at, 3, 6, 12pm, etc.

Any ideas for a simple 3-2-1 strategy would be much appreciated.