"Autnentication failed" on replication tasks


Jan 5, 2015
I have multiple TrueNAS devices in my network, all running 12.0u8. I have a variety of replication tasks running, most of which are pushing snapshots to another TrueNAS box. However, we received and stood up three additional boxes (also running 12.0u8), So I set up replication tasks to push data off of two of the older devices to the new ones. I went through the process, setting up SSH Keys and SSH Connections in System, then set up Replication Tasks in Tasks. I had one replication running, and it has transferred over 11TB of 17.5TB of data, over the past couple of days, then today, I get an alert from the pushing box:

New alerts:
* Replication "bigpool/censys_data - bigpool/censys_data" failed: root@bental.example.org: Permission denied (publickey,password).
warning: cannot send 'bigpool/censys_data@auto-2022-02-05_00-00': Broken pipe..

I have also seen this on the snapshot pushes in the past week. All of the replication tasks seem to be failing with Permission denied (publickey,password). Most of these particular tasks have been running for months or in most cases, years. Why, all of a sudden, this week, have almost all of my replication pushes start failing, and how do I fix them?

Thank you,