AD Integration Woes ...

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Sep 27, 2012
After a day of meticulously following the official documentation I can't get my new FreeNAS box to integrate with our Windows Server 2008 R2 PDC. I'm using FreeNAS-8.2.0-RELEASE-p1-x64 (r11950).

I've confirmed accurate DNS resolution (forward & revers lookups) and traffic in both directions between FreeNAS & the PDC. NTP synchronisation is bang on. I've checked the AD settings time and again.


If I attempt to join from the shell, using net ads join, all I get is the following:

[paul@badger /etc]$ net ads join -S ns1 -U administrator
Host is not configured as a member server.
Invalid configuration. Exiting....
Failed to join domain: This operation is only allowed for the PDC of the domain.

Taking a look at /var/log/messages after attempting, and failing, to enable to AD service I get the following:

Sep 28 14:58:41 badger notifier: local: Running\: bad variable name
Sep 28 14:58:41 badger notifier: usage: printf format [arguments ...]
Sep 28 14:58:41 badger notifier: usage: printf format [arguments ...]
Sep 28 14:58:41 badger notifier: eval: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Sep 28 14:58:41 badger notifier: usage: printf format [arguments ...]
Sep 28 14:58:42 badger notifier: local: Running\: bad variable name
Sep 28 14:58:42 badger notifier: usage: printf format [arguments ...]
Sep 28 14:58:42 badger notifier: usage: printf format [arguments ...]
Sep 28 14:58:42 badger notifier: eval: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Sep 28 14:58:42 badger notifier: kinit: Password incorrect
Sep 28 14:58:53 badger notifier: local: Running\: bad variable name
Sep 28 14:58:53 badger notifier: usage: printf format [arguments ...]
Sep 28 14:58:53 badger notifier: usage: printf format [arguments ...]
Sep 28 14:58:53 badger notifier: eval: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Sep 28 14:58:53 badger notifier: No realm set, are we joined ?
Sep 28 14:58:53 badger notifier: winbindd not running? (check /var/run/samba/

I've successfully integrated numerous other open source applications and services with our domain controller, just can't believe this one is so difficult. I smell a bug.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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