New 2nd NIC created dependency for 1st NIC's connectivity


May 28, 2011
I'm on 11.3 with an original setup of network on just igb0. WebGUI and SSH successfully going to thisigb0 IP address and bridge0 contains my jail vnets as well as igb0. Everything working great. I've now added a second NIC which mounted as em0 and after configuring it I see that em0 has replaced igb0 in bridge0. This is fine as my intent was to run my jails through em0 anyway. (Side question: did this happen because the dynamically created bridge0 found the new em0 alphabetically before the old igb0?).

Now as a test, I yanked the plug for igb0. i can still ping em0 address and my jails all still work as they're bridged with em0. igb0 is obviously not pingable. So far so good.

Now for the part I'm confused about... If I reconnect igb0 and verify I can again get to the WebGUI and now yank the em0 cable I also lose my igb0 connectivity!!! I can't WebGUI, SSH or even ping igb0 if the em0 cable is disconnected. I just don't understand the dependency such that igb0 is not even pingable in this scenario. My intent is for there to be no interdependencies between these NICs as part of my later plans - right now both cables run to the same switch, so pretty basic setup.

I did notice in ifconfig that igb0 no longer has PROMISC flag, but em0 does. igb0 magically added TXCSUM, TSO4 and TSO6 options as well. But I'm in over my head in understanding the ramifications of these changes. Any help is appreciated.

Old ifconfig:

New ifconfig:
