FTP over SSH - Home Directories

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Jul 13, 2012
I have a CIFS share setup with anonymous guest access so any device on the network can reach the share. I have also setup SSH and my user account can connect right in from remote and access whatever folders I need. I would like to set up say User1 and User2 to have FTP access with SSH, but have restricted access. Here's what I have...

"/mnt/DataPool/Share/" (Guest Access and works great)
"/mnt/DataPool/Share/FTP/User1" (Would like User1 to have full permission within this folder and not be able to go up folder levels)
"/mnt/DataPool/Share/FTP/User2" (Would like User2 to have full permission within this folder and not be able to go up folder levels)

This way I can have my core share open and available to the internal network, and allow for remote users to have access only to a particular folder when I want them to send me something. I have already tried the home directories and it doesn't appear to be doing this. I am only seeing linux files beginning with .dot as an extension in the folder I designate as the home directory. Is there a way to lock a user into a directory over FTP and not allow access to the parent levels like /mnt or /DataPool? I am not finding a solution.

Thank you
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