Disk Price/Performance Analysis Buying Information

Disk Price/Performance Analysis Buying Information 01-May-2019


Feb 15, 2023
Amazing resource, thank you!!
I think cells U165:V174 have constants instead of a formula. But maybe that's on purpose?

I didn't understand why you said that in terms of energy use there isn't a big difference between 5400 and 7200. I see a fairly strong effect.
In the last graph you show Average of Max StartupWatts vs. size and rotation speed. I think that when I change it to average energy$year,
I do see a significant effect. If I did it correctly. Or maybe you mean that if you add the additional cost of electricity per year to all the other costs, the rotational speed becomes insignificant?
Also, the fact that there is a difference in heat between the drives shows that there is a difference in energy use. Pretty much all energy coming into the NAS exits as heat (and a bit of air movement from the fans). But again, maybe you are looking at total cost and mean that the effect on cost is just possibly the increased stress on the drives if they operate at a higher temperature?

Thank you so much for this!!