Create a regex-parsable web page for system resources?

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Oct 15, 2016
Hey ya'll!

So this is a pretty odd request, but I'm looking for a way to mesh together my FreeNAS's system display (think like the Reporting section of the web gui) with Rainmeter, the desktop applet. I run a pretty tailored Rainmeter setup on my desktop, for managing my personal computer, but I'd like to be able to access some of the information about my NAS more easily. From what I can see, this really hasn't been done before.

Now, Rainmeter really isn't designed for something quite this ambitious, so I don't have super high hopes that this will actually get off the ground, but I still wanted to explore the various options that are available.

The closest thing Rainmeter has to being able to remotely ping something for data a la the CLI would be using regular expressions to parse a web page or rss feed. That half of the problem I feel I can handle pretty easily, as I've worked rather extensively with this kind of feature integration before. However, I have essentially no experience getting FreeNAS to push its own data outside the native gui.

I've played around a little with some parable front ends, but they seem to be pretty dead ends: Maraschino seems like an abandoned project, and doesn't actually tell me all the data I'd like to have access to. I've read a little about people managing to host web pages through jails, and using something like apache to put together a customized front end, but I have yet to find something that's at my (admittedly low) level yet to follow along with before trying to tinker.

So: is there any good way to get the hardware reported data that FreeNAS collects out into the wild, safely, for me to pick apart and analyze?
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