
  1. S

    11.2-Release-U1 Scrub Schedule Issue

    Hi all. I recently rebuilt my system and installed 11.2-Release and then upgraded to U1. After the initial install I was struggling with some of the changes in the GUI so I moved back to the Legacy Interface to get things going. One thing I am finding I have a problem with is my scrubs. I...
  2. Theapplefuture

    SOLVED save electricity

    Hello Everybody, I set up my FreeNAS Server a week ago and it works pretty well so far. But because my CPU and my 6 HDDs consum a lot of electricity I'd like to know (also because of saving energy and be enviormently friendly) I'd like to put the server into sleep mode when not needed. SO the...
  3. VictorR

    SOLVED Need help scheduling 70TB scrub and S.M.A.R.T test

    I've read lots of posts on the subject. But, to tell the truth, the GUI still confuses me(3 yrs into using FreeNAS). Updating to 11.1 failed and wiped out the previous 11.04 boot. So, it was a complete re-install to 11.1 and import the volume The last time I set up scrub and smart on this...
  4. W

    Scrub und Smart Tests

    Hallo, ich habe mir einen Nas aus einem etwas älteren Server zusammengebaut. Ich wollte ihn so einstellen, dass er sich runterfährt, wenn kein PC gerade im lan ist und er hochfährt sobald einer drin ist. Das ist kein Problem. Das Problem sind jetzt die Test, was würdet ihr mir empfehlen, wie...
  5. JayG30

    Scrub 1st Saturday/Month

    I'm altering my scrub/SMART/replication/rsync schedules and looking for some clarification on this. I want my Scrub to run once a month, but I want to have more control over the day of the week it runs on to make sure it doesn't conflict with other things. So I'm thinking I'd like to to run on...
  6. Terry Wilson

    Scrub Performance Tuning

    AKA How to speed up the process of tuning of your Freenas box. This one is for 9.10 - FreeNAS-9.10.2-U2 Before I begin let me get the standard disclaimers out of the way, Try at your own risk, backup first, this may cause the moon to fall from the sky and make Trump and Hillary besties...
  7. prototype0815

    Scrubs - SMART - Snapshot notwendig oder überflüssig mit Non-ECC RAM?

    Hey folks, ich bin gerade am einrichten meines Servers und hab zu den oben genannten Tasks bzw. Tests ein paar Fragen. Wie einige wissen habe ich ein Consumer Board mit Non-ECC RAM, aber es ist dennoch besser dies nochmal zu erwähnen. Scrubs für die Boot-Platte. In FreeNAS zu finden unter...
  8. P

    Dúvidas sobre alguns termos Jails, Dataset e Scrubs

    Olá. Sou novo na utilização do FreeNas e tenho algumas dúvidas sobre algumas coisas. O que seria: Jails, Dataset, Scrubs???