
  1. E

    Windows VM For Small Business?

    I do all the IT work for a small business & will be building them a new server very soon. My plan has been to run FreeNAS for backups of all PC's in the office and other general file storage & have a Windows VM installed. Some of the software they use (accounting & estimates) requires a Windows...
  2. pro lamer

    [build] SSD raidz2 20 partitions linux

    Hi! It's not a typo - I really mean twenty. And of course it is not a NAS. The idea for such a crazy scenario was that my SSD had h2testw errors. It means the SSD controller (or some other component) couldn't detect the errors and passed corrupted data to the OS as correct. General...
  3. W

    Arquivos do office abre como somente leitura

    Olá, Instalei recentemente um servidor FreeNAS versão 11.1 Criei os usuários, grupos e diretórios e dei as devidas permissões Um grupo não acessa os diretórios destinados exclusivamente a outro grupo, até aí tudo bem Meu problema é que quando os usuários abrem um arquivo do word ou excell...
  4. O

    Hardware advice for file server

    Hello, First time FreeNAS builder here :). I work in a small agency that is undergoing big changes in its IT infrastructure. As part of these changes (that include some new pfSense firewalls) we are also replacing an ageing file server. The file server is an old iMac Pro with a few 1 TB hard...